chapter sixty-six

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She ran to the front door with her dog Fendi trailing behind her barking because the doorbell rang. "Fendi shush!" she shouted making Fendi stop barking, she didn't want her to wake the boys up, Bailey was too lazy to run to the door so he kept laying in his bed. She opened the front door and it was Cristian. "Hey Cris, you okay?" she asked as she allowed him to step inside, she was confused as to why he showed up randomly. He gave her a kiss on cheek as he walked in and took off his shoes. "Hi Mija, I won't be here for long but I just wanted to speak to you and it was a conversation I thought would be better in person. "Okay..." Acacia said as she locked the door behind her, "We can talk in here, I was just doing the party bags for Jah's birthday, he's so excited" Acacia said as she walked Cristian into her dinning room.

Acacia placed different items into the party bags, "I'm excited for his birthday too, I've brought so many things for him" Cristian said making Acacia shake her head, "You know he doesn't need anymore toys, buy him books!" she said, she loved that her parents loved spoiling her kids. Cristian took a seat putting his hands on the table, "Can you sit down for a moment, please?" he asked, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him, she became worried about what he was about to say to her. "No, I don't want too because your scaring me now. Can you just say" she said as she dropped one of the bags on the table.

"I was told by Azrael's lawyer a year ago that they decided to put in an appeal for his sentence, it was Peter's idea but Azrael was very reluctant to do it. I knew of a lawyer that was... very good at his job so I got him to work with Peter and Azrael will be released from prison tomorrow morning" Cristian said nonchalantly as he looked at his daughter, she was speechless. She took a seat trying to process the information.

"What?" she said in a whisper, she couldn't believe it. She went quiet for a while trying to process things, Cristian wasn't going to speak until she did. "Are you being serious right now? Like for real? Because I thought he was going to be in there for 20 years" she said as she looked at her father, "They won the appeal, so his sentence will be officially be over from tomorrow morning he will be a free man" Cristian said, "But how??" Acacia asked, she wasn't convinced it was that simple. "I had some influence but I thought if I could help him then I will. He kept my name out of everything so" Cristian said simply, "I hope your not upset with me and you can understand why I done this" he added, he was a little worried about telling Acacia but he only wanted to mention it if the judge decided to go through with it.

Cristian didn't send people to threaten the judge, he just offered him a bribe. He offered the judge 3.5 million pounds to grant the appeal, if he chose not to do it Cristian wouldn't do anything he would allow the judge to live and Azrael would stay in prison. He didn't want any blood on his hands. The judge couldn't turn down the offer.

"No, I'm not upset. You helped someone... I can't be mad at that, I'm just shocked that's all" she said, she sighed deeply "So Azrael's free? Wow" she said shaking her head. She stood up and continued with her task, "Are you okay?" he asked, "I'm fine, I just need to finish this tonight because I have a bunch of things I need to do tomorrow" she said as she continued filling the party bags.

Acacia's anxiety was on a million, she knew she was going to see him at some point and she was extremely anxious about it but she also didn't want to see him either, she couldn't face him.

"I will be back tomorrow for the party, I must get back to your mother" he said as he stood up fixing his polo collar. "I will see you then" she said with a forced smile, Cristian looked at her one last time before he decided to leave. When she heard the door shut she walked over to the front door and set the alarm. She felt her heart start to race as she touched her chest, "Girl, you need to calm down" she said to herself, she started to wonder what he looked like, if he still looked the same or different... or worse. "I need to do this tomorrow" she said as she went to switch off the lights downstairs and made her way upstairs, she checked in on her boys then went to her room.

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