chapter forty-four

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It was a week after the ladies had returned from their 2-week birthday getaway and Aaliyah or Acacia had heard from Maya. They'd both made trips to the house to visit but it seemed as if nobody was home. 

Aaliyah was currently at home preparing herself for a short day in the office, she worked remotely and part time but since Josh has returned to the house and he admitted his 'infidelity' to her, she needed some space. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do exactly, technically at the current time they were not together but the timing of it all doesn't sit right with her, she felt deceived. 

She packed her Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag with her needed essentials and also packed her gym kit, she decided she would get lunch in the city. As she made her way downstairs, she heard the alarm being turned off by Josh, he had just returned from dropping his daughter off at Nursery. She didn't bother saying anything to him, she just walked straight into the kitchen putting her bag on the counter and picking up her water bottle from the counter to fill it up with some water. It was one of those bottles which had the times labeled on them. 

"Are we still doing this?" he said as he walked into the kitchen and placed his car keys on the counter. She just ignored him and continued what she was doing, she didn't want to continue ignoring him but she felt so upset. As she walked towards the pantry to get her protein powder he walked in front of her, she tried to walk around him but she blocked his view "Aaliyah, can you just talk to me? You've spent the past week sleeping in a different room to me and you haven't said a word to me. This ain't healthy" Josh said looking at Aaliyah, she rolled her eyes "What is there to talk about? You slept with another person, we're in this place because of you" she said as she put her hand on her hip, "I know and I'll do anything for you to forgive me so we can move forward and better our relationship" he said as he put his hand on her waist. 

Josh really wanted things to be different with Aaliyah, he knew she was very stubborn and it wouldn't be easy to get her to forgive him but he was willing to do anything to be with her, she was the one for him. "Look, I've got my trip to the states to see my dad. I would like you to come with me and Samaria" he said, she turned around and walked out the kitchen with her bag towards the hall way to put on her Bottega boots, it was early March but it was still quite cold outside. "Josh, I don't know if I want to go. I think it should just be you and Samaria. I need to think about whether I still want this" she said and as she tussled with giving her boots on. "So you wanna break up?" Josh asked standing over her, his heart hurt at the thought of losing Aaliyah. She stood up adjusting her clothes, "We broke up remember? I just need time to process what's happened and personally it's hard to do that whilst we're under the same roof" she said as she grabbed her car keys to her Range Rover. "Can you just chill for a second.." he said as he stopped her from leaving the house, he was trying to process what she was telling him. She sighed putting her bag down on the floor then taking a seat on the staircase. "When I found out that you and home girl kissed, I was devastated but it was something I could get over and you being away helped me get over that, even after hearing the song and all but you telling me you slept with her when you could've been told me this before has rattled me. Josh you actually lied to me!" she said, she was starting to get angry. 

"You keep coming at me everyday talking about can we talk, when you was high out of your fucking mind, I was holding everything down, making sure our daughter was good, making sure the house was clean and she couldn't reach any of your fucking drugs you would leave laying around and when I wanted to talk, what would you tell me?!" she said as she stood up, "What the fuck would you tell me Bricks?!" she was getting louder and angrier but Josh didn't appreciate the tone she was taking up with him. "You would brush me off and treat me like I was bugging out or I was bothering you!" she said as she pointed hard at his chest with her index finger. 

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