chapter five

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I took my photo's of Brickz and I was very impressed and happy. The video shoot was taking place at this really nice mansion. It was a whole party going on, I stayed in another room with Liyah and Maya whilst they were filming, they were probably done by now. I had noticed AZ wasn't here.

"Maya take a picture of me out here quickly, this outfit is nice" I said to Maya as I handed her my phone making my way out the bedroom door which led to a little outside area.

"Maya take a picture of me out here quickly, this outfit is nice" I said to Maya as I handed her my phone making my way out the bedroom door which led to a little outside area

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I posted the picture on instagram. I walked back into the room sitting down on the couch next to Liyah. "So your really gonna start dating again?" Liyah asked me as she scrolled through IG. I laid my head on her shoulder nodding my head, "Yeah I am, after yesterday with AZ he lowkey made me realise that I'm ready to mingle. So guys spread the word, best candidates win!" I said making everyone laugh. I could hear the music literally shaking the whole house.

"Guys me and Leon are done" Maya announced abruptly, me and Aaliyah looked at her shocked. "What the fuck happened? You lot were good the other day, didn't he take you hotel and spa just last week?" Liyah asked as she put her phone in her YSL bag. Maya sighed and slumped down on the couch next to us, "Na, he's too disrespectful, I hate how he talks when he's angry. He'll do nice things, he'll be calm for like a week max then he'll do some shit that will piss me off then he gets so fucking aggy' and I'm tired of it" Maya said as she ran her hands through her silky hair. Liyah adjusted herself as she looked towards Maya, "Sis, relationships are hard but I hear you on the disrespectful shit, if a man's being disrespectful to you and you G check him about that shit and he's STILL doing it, 100% fuck him. Do you sis" Liyah said as she played with her acrylics. 

"How are you and Josh (Brickz)? You lot seem happy?" I asked Liyah, she really did seem happy with him. I looked at her and she started smiling, me and Maya started laughing, "Bitch, what?! Spit it out!" Maya said smiling hard at Liyah. "Well, he booked us a flight for next week, it's my final gift for graduating, were going Bali!" Liyah said getting so excited. Me and Maya started getting hype with her, "Yes! we approve and applaud healthy relationships! We need to normalise healthy relationships" I said laughing but being 100% serious. Maya stood up adjusting her cute outfit whilst looking in the mirror, "None of you guys drove here today?" she asked us turning towards us. Both me and Liyah shook our heads. "Come we get licked today? I need this shit off my mind for a little and I'm not gonna lie, I saw tings let's have some fun, someone's collecting my number today" Maya said as she picked up her Dior bag and pulled me and Liyah up.

"Yeah fuck it, I need a drink!" I said as I got up and picked up my bag. We made our way down to the entertainment room where everyone was. The party looked fucking lit, this house basically had a club in it, there was a bar and a DJ and sections for people to sit in. Brickz always did shit big, my sister was fucking with a real one. I started dancing as I followed Liyah as she made her way over to her mans section. They let us in and we sat down. I skimmed through everyone that was there and I noticed AZ talking to some girl. She was cute.

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