chapter thirty

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"happy 1st birthday to my beautiful angel, I love you with every inch of my heart & im so thankful to God for choosing me to be your mother 💕"

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"happy 1st birthday to my beautiful angel, I love you with every inch of my heart & im so thankful to God for choosing me to be your mother 💕"

"happy 1st birthday to my beautiful angel, I love you with every inch of my heart & im so thankful to God for choosing me to be your mother 💕"

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"Happy 1st birthday to my purpose, my mini me and my princess🤍"

The morning had been so hectic, I had Josh mum and sister over at my mums house helping us sort through a few things before the party. I couldn't believe I actually had a one year old, my little baby girl Samaria was actually one! Time truly flies by. "Honestly Aaliyah, you need to make time for yourself because this is the stage where it gets extremely busy" Josh mum Naomi said, I agreed with her because Samaria has been work for months now. "Yeah I'm going to make better effort to find some time for myself, I am going on holiday next month for Acacia's birthday. Were going Barbados!" I said dancing a little, she smiled "Yes! That's going to be amazing, go and enjoy yourself! Joshua will be calling my phone asking for my help when your gone" she said smiling. I thought about where Samaria will be when I'm away and Josh is not an option, that boy is on drugs I can't leave him with her. "She'll probably be with you or my mum, I think Josh will be on tour by then" I said, I didn't think now will be a good time to tell her that Josh has lost his damn mind and he's being selfish. "Where is he anyways? I was surprised when you called me telling me to come here instead of the house?" she said as she continued to place items inside the party bags. "Erm... me and Josh are just going through some things so I needed some space, I think we both needed it for sometime" I said as I fed Samaria some Weetabix, she stopped what she was doing and looked at me shocked, "You serious Aaliyah? I hope it's just space una, I love you guys together" she said shaking her head, "I said the same thing Nae, I like them two. Bring out the best in each other and they got a nice little family and house" my mum said, I rolled my eyes. I know their hearts in the right place but it's because they don't know the truth. I used the spoon to wipe up most of the food around Samaria mouth, she looked so much like Josh side of the family. She resembled Josh way more than me but she had Josh fathers eyes. "Mmm, we will see but I'm gonna go take a shower, my MUA is arriving soon to start my makeup so I need to be ready. Adaeze, can you watch Samaria? If she get's fussy or throws up just bring her to me okay?" I asked Josh little sister, she nodded her head smiling "Okay I will" she said. I smiled as I walked out the kitchen and headed upstairs to start getting ready.

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