chapter sixty-one

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December 2024

"I liked the shoot a lot actually, I feel like it captured your ideas perfectly. I'm happy to hear the shoot went well" Azrael said as he put an apple flavoured starburst in his mouth. "Yeah it was fun to shoot, the girls did so well too" Acacia said, she was on her regular visits with Azrael, she visited him quite frequently.

The past two years have been rocky for the couple but they were making the best out of the situation. Azrael would call, write emails and arrange video calls and in-person visits which helped keep them close. Their communication was better than ever, the situation wasn't ideal for them but they kept their faith.

However, Azrael couldn't deny that he did feel like the situation was stunting Acacia's growth as an individual. She was missing brand trips and sending her assistant on her behalf or if she did travel she would only be willing to travel for a week total. Her business was growing dramatically in the States and she had plans (before Azrael going to jail) to expand and open a shop in LA but she decided against it, she was very hands-on with her business and she knew she couldn't open a store in another country and not be there frequently to over see the business. He was thinking about letting her go so she could live her life but he knew he couldn't do it, he loved her too much to let her go. When he would mention it to her, that he would understand if it was getting to much for her, she would immediately shut down the conversation. 20 years is a long time to wait for somebody...

"So you going with everyone else to Nigeria this December?" Azrael asked as he looked at his wife, "No, I actually don't have the time and there all going for like 3 weeks." she said brushing the idea of traveling off. "Acacia, you haven't travelled out of Europe since your 25th birthday. I ain't going nowhere, I will be here when you get back" he said chuckling, "I know but I just don't feel right going away and having fun whilst your in here" she said looking around the visiting room. "Well I don't like the fact your stopping yourself from enjoying your life. Make sure you book your flight" he said as he picked up his water bottle. Before she could respond another prisoner walked over bringing their snacks, "Here you go boss, rest of your stuff plus the change" he said as he placed everything down neatly, "Safe" Azrael said as he gave James a nod.

"I'll never get over some of the people in here calling you boss and your younger than most of them" Acacia said smiling as she picked up a packet of Doritos, "It's silly man but fill me in, what's been going on with Bricks and Aaliyah? I've tried to talk to him but he ain't really been picking up his calls." Azrael said, Acacia shook her head "Boy, since the deluxe album dropped and this being Bricks last album, the noise around it has been insane. I haven't even listened to the deluxe yet" Acacia said, she continued "The first half of the album is amazing like some of his best stuff so I'm interested to hear the deluxe and see what Aaliyah thinks because the snippets alone were crazy" she said. Azrael chuckled "I really thought they would've got back together. How's things going with her and Caleb or Jason? What was it again?" Azrael said smiling, Acacia rolled her eyes laughing "Boy, you know his name! It's Jalen and it's going really good, she's currently in LA with him and Samaria" Acacia said, she was happy her friend was happy, regardless of who it was with. "Good for her. Have you met Bricks girlfriend yet?" Azrael asked, "I have and she's okay I guess" Acacia said shrugging her shoulders making Azrael laugh.

The couple talked and laughed throughout the visit until it was time to go home.

"So I'll be seeing you next week?" Acacia said as she wrapped her arms around Azrael's neck, he snaked his arms around her waist, he didn't speak for a moment, he just took in her beauty, "You smell so good" he said as he became mesmerised looking at his wife, "My wife" he said as he hugged her and rubbed his hands around her bottom until a guard told him to stop. "Next week Azrael?" she said, he kissed her lips "Don't you want to spend your weekend doing something else instead of coming up here" he said, his grip around her became tighter "No, I want to spend my weekends with my husband like I've been doing for the past two years" she said. She leaned in and kissed him for as long as she could. "I love you" she said as she wiped his lips with his lip gloss, "I love you more" he said as he stole one last kiss.

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