🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 33🌸

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"..god.. do you usually leave for school this early..?" Zander complained. He wasn't one to enjoy getting up early in the morning.

"Welll... no, usually I'm up earlier to go for a run." - "Earlier-!? Than this!? Are you demented!?" - "Maybe a little, but who do you think gets our coffees in the morning? SOMEONE has to walk to the coffee shop." Luke smiled as he kissed Zanders cheek. "..Well.. fair enough I suppose.." Zander smiled as he rested his head on Luke's shoulder while they walked, a habit he'd fallen into.

When they arrived at school, Zander very quickly went about his duties. He was always so diligent, Luke found it beyond impressive he worked to the best of his abilities no matter the time of day. But he had something else on his mind, so he went to find Daisy. He and Daisy didn't talk often at all, he wouldn't really consider her a friend, more just a Mutual acquaintance, but he'd love to get to know her more, because she seems lovely and of course, she's his boyfriends bestfriend. But he really had to talk to her today, bonding comes later whenever he's inevitably dragged to her and Zanders meet ups, which surprisingly hasn't happened yet, but he's seen that glimmer in Zanders eyes whenever he tells Luke about his and Daisys plans, so he knows he's getting dragged out some point soon.

He walked around the halls, probably looking dumb and lost. Constantly looking around. At one point he saw James, and he felt so mad he was genuinely about to storm up to him, but alas, right now he's on good terms with Zanders art teacher, he's scared of her, so he'd love for it to stay that way, Aka: don't get detention.

After a while of looking, he saw Daisy making conversation with her cousin Elliot. Ah right, that boy Milly liked. He walked up to the two, immediately gathering their attention.

"Oh-! Hiya Luke, before you ask, Zanders on science hall monitor duty this morning!" She smiled sweetly at him. "Mhm! I know that! I was just wondering if uh... if I could speak to you for a moment?" Daisy perked up, her and Elliot exchanging curious glances. "Oh-! Yeah of course-! I'll be back in a moment Eli." She smiled and waved as she followed behind Luke.

"What's the matter, anything I can help you with?" - "Well uh... don't get alarmed-..." he saw how Daisy face faded into that of a face of concern. "Oh no.. What happened...?" "Well uhm- someone has been stalking Zander for around uh-...seven months..." -"STALKER!? SEVEN MONTHS!?" She covered her mouth in shock. "Yeah- Uhm, don't Tell Zander about this please- right now he thinks it's just a small prank and a one time thing, I know he has the right to know, but you know he's going through a lot right now..." Daisy nodded, seeming very put off by this whole thing. "Do you.. do you know who did it..?" -"I do, that's why I came to talk to you so maybe you can discipline him.. It's Uhm- James Parker from class 4D!" "James!? The one who threw his textbook at Zanders head!? How did you know it was him!?" - "Well he launched a firework at mine and Zanders hotel window- which we were in because Zander noticed someone following home, and his father owns the only firework shop in town. And then when I called him out over text her suddenly didn't res- RIGHT! the texts! Look! Here's all the pictures he's taken!"

Luke fumbled with his phone to get up the pictures handing the phone to Daisy to look through. Her face went from shocked, to angry, and back to the calm girl everyone knew.

"..I...I see. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will have it dealt with swiftly." She gave Luke a nod as she walked back to her cousin.

The class worked in silence, all that could be heard was the scratching of pencils against paper until the silence was interrupted by a knock at the door, when they looked up they saw the head girl, some rolled their eyes, some just continued working, and some were just being nosy.

"Oh Daisy! What you looking for?" The old man smiled at her. "Hiya Sir! Im Just here for a quick word with James Parker, is he here?" The class, immature as they were, broke out into a series of 'Ooooos' as they all turned to look at James. The students jeering increased in volume as they saw the expression James's face, they knew, he knew, that he probably fucked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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