🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 20🌸

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Luke walked through the halls of the school.

He was on a hunt for Zander. He had intended to stay the night however his Nan had texted him she needed help moving furniture, so he had to do that instead.

After a bit of digging late into the night, he found an old picture.

Of his old elementary class 'graduation' photo.

And sure enough, in the corner tucked behind his mothers leg, Zander was there.

He was hard to miss, he was the only one with natural mauve hair. Aside from well, his mum.

"Hailey!" He called as he walked over, noticing her at her locker. She seemed to be dazed, she had been since the incident.

"..Oh..! Luke...! What's the matter..?" She smiled weakly, bags under her eyes.

"Did Zander come to school today..?"

"..Oh! Uh yes..! He did..!"

"You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you?"

Hailey pondered a bit.

"..I think he's in fashion and textiles right now..!" She smiled.

"Alright! Thank you! And uh.. when you get the chance, get some rest please.."

She nodded. "..Yeah.. I should.."

Luke pat her head before turning on his heel and walking to the home-ec department.

He looked into the fashion and textiles classrooms through the windows and eventually found Zanders. He was at the back desk.

Luke knocked the door slightly before walking in, gathering the attention of the teacher and a few students near the front.

He could see Zander in the back, headphones in as he was seemingly pinning down... pattern pieces..? That's what they're called right..?

"Oh Luke Darling! I haven't seen you since second year!" Ah of course. Home ec was mandatory for the first 2 of your 6 years in highschool. He hated it.

"Awe you've grown so much! What can I do for you!" She smiled brightly.

"Ah I guess so-! It's nice to see you again Miss, may I please take Zander, just for a few minutes!"

"Zander? You're not causing trouble are you..?"

Luke started stammering trying to come up with an excuse, only for the teacher to start giggling.

"I'm just joking! You and Zander are both reliable!"

Luke sighed in relief, he had completely forgotten about her antics due to not seeing her for so long.

"Kira my darling! Can you get Zanders attention for me?" She said brightly.

'Kira' turned around and tapped Zanders shoulder. He looked up at her and she pointed toward the teacher.

He took his headphones off.

"Yes miss?"

She made a small head gesture to Luke.

Zander made an 'O' shape with his mouth for a split second before standing up, straight, and walking over.

Luke guided him out the classroom and shut the door behind him.

"How's your head?" He started.

"..What do you mean..?"

Luke looked around for a second before leaning in and whispering.

"..You were incredibly wasted last night"

Zander gasped as he whipped his head around to face him.

The expression on his face was laughable.

"How did you know-!?"

"I was the one that found you."

Zander covered his face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for whatever I may of said-!"

Luke just smiled as he walked ahead. "Come on, walk with me!"

 "Come on, walk with me!"

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Mister Perfect || Lander AU || Zander Headboy AuWhere stories live. Discover now