🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 10🌸

251 12 126

School had come to an end.

Stacy was walking down the hall, her black silky hair bounced against her back as she walked.

She smiled as she saw Luke at his locker.

Her best friend.

She blushed a bit, knowing she would confess to him soon as she walked over.

"Lukeee!~" She called.

He turned around, saw her and immediately smiled.

"Oh! Stacy! How are you?"

"I'm doing good! How are you?"

"I'm good, I think I failed my English exam though.." Luke chuckled lightly as he put a hand on her shoulder, causing her face to light up with blush.

"I'm sure you did great!!"

"Ah hopefully- I have a new tutor! So hopefully I did well!"

Just then, stacys mood seemed to darken.

"Oh? What gender?" She asked.

"Gender-? Oh! He's a boy"

Stacy felt relieved. "Oh really? Who is it?" She smiled.

"Oh! It's Zander! The head boy!"

Stacy was shocked. Trying to mask her anger.

"..He's gay, right?"

"Huh- Oh yeah I think so-! I saw a gay pride pin in his room so-"


"..Uh- yeah we had a sleepover..!"

"Wow. So fun! I'll be right back-!" She smiled as she walked away, tears coming to her eyes.


Zander was searching around frantically. Where was it!? He couldn't find his note pad or his pen! He was panicking, he was getting upset as he dumped the content of his white and red book bag onto the floor, something he'd usually never get caught dead doing. That was his last one. He was yet to order more. He couldn't write in any other notepad, or use any other pen. It had to be those ones.

Stacy stood by the door, hiding behind the corner, smiling as she twirled the pen, Zanders pen in her hands.

She didn't know who this boy thought he was, but if he wanted to try steal Luke from her, he has another thing coming. Luke had told her all about him! All the things he had baked, all the hall passes, how Luke laid his head on his lap. HIS LAP. She wasn't going to let some low life take him from her.

She smiled as she walked through the halls, as she walked she snapped the pen in half and tossed it into a trash bin.

Aswell as his since shredded up note pad.



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