🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 6🌸

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Zander walked into his bedroom and sighed, rubbing his head.

He loved being headboy, it gave him a sense of order, a way to be able to do things at his own pace. (And his own  snazzy uniform)

But sometimes, it was tiring.

He had given Luke a pass out of detention today, because he believed him, he knew he was in there through no fault of his own.

The other students however, did not like that. They started to scream and yell, they became too loud for Zander, it hurt his head.

'James' even going as far as to throw a textbook at him, he was suspended as the teacher walked in as soon as he hurled it at Zander.

He couldn't understand what he did wrong.

He was just doing his job, no?

He just sighed as he sat down. Looking over numerous crochet projects, all of which unfinished.

It was an old fashioned hobby, a lonely introverted one.

..He suddenly lost interest in it, right in that moment.

He just pouted as he grabbed the unfinished work and moved all of it into the bin beneath his desk.

Almost immediately pouting.

He didn't like his hobbies. He wanted to have the same hobbies as everyone else, so he could talk to people about it without boring them. But nobody liked the things he liked, if they did like it, then most the time they just didn't like him. But nobody really did, they avoided him like the plague.

He looked at the crochet, sitting in the bin, a face of one of his unfinished stuffed bees looking right back at him. Underneath that was a half finished scarf, one he was making for Luke.

..He had put all of his love into it.. now it was gone..

He just sighed as he stood up and grabbed a book, nobody read these anymore, did they? Why was he thinking so hard about this tonight.. usually he didn't care, but now he did.

He took the book 'I am Malala' as he walked over to his bay window and sat down on it, the sky darkening into a deep blue, as rain poured down from above. He loved the rain.

He opened his book and began reading, occasionally glancing over at the bin.


Shannon walked into her sons room, she saw him still in his uniform, fast asleep at the bay window in his room, snuggled up to the fluffy pillows that were on it.  The book he was reading just barely being held in his hands.

She smiled as she walked over, grabbing his favourite book mark off his desk as she gently took the book from his grasp and slipping the book mark in before setting it down on his desk.

She could briefly see in the bin, crochet? But they looked fine? Though he was always a perfectionist, seeing even the finest details others couldn't,.

She braced herself as she reluctantly used her thumb and index finger to pick the bee out of the bin, trying to touch as little as possible, that was when she noticed, there was no trash in the bin. Just a large bundle of crochet.

She emptied out the bin and frowned, why has he thrown all of this out?

She just shrugged as she put the crochet back on his desk, setting the bin back beneath it.

She walked over as she slipped off Zanders blazer, tie, shoes and his knee high kitty cat socks, leaving him in a shirt and his trousers. She unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt before scooping him up in her arms and walking over to gently place him on his bed. She pulled the soft covers over him, as she placed his favourite teddy bear by his side before moving his bangs out of his face and kissing his forehead. As she left, she turned off his lights, and turned on his planet display.


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