🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 11🌸

253 13 91

Zander walked through the halls, he was sulking. Not only had he lost his pen and his notepad yesterday, but they were also completely sold out.

And wouldn't be restocked for another week!

Not only that! He woke up extra early, at 4 in the morning and spent hours making a lunch for Luke!

And now it was gone..

He felt disheartened.

And for once.

He was slouching.

He felt embarrassed.

How could he be so careless as to loose it!

It wasn't like him.. usually he was well organised.

But he could've sworn it was locked away in his locker!

"Luke!" Stacy giggled as she ran up to him.

"Oh- Stacy!"

"Where are you headed~?" She asked in a sing song voice.

"Ah- just the canteen to get some salad for lunch." He smiled.

"No need! I made you some lunch!"

"Oh- you did?! You didn't have too-!"

She just smiled as she reached into her bag.

And pulled out a light lavender lunch box.

Zander sat alone in the library. He was eating a small lunch he prepared for himself.

He took a few bites before beginning to feel sick and dizzy.

He coughed and spluttered as he spat out his lunch.

Confused he brought up the container to smell it.

A garlic scent..?

That's when he froze and dropped the container. Absolutely shocked.

It was rat poison.

He washed his face in the sink, he was confused. He had just finished violently throwing up. How did he end up with rat poison in his food..? Maybe it was poorly packaged..?

He just sighed. This week was going so bad..

Why did this stuff only ever happen to him?



Stacy going a bit coo coo

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