🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7🌸

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Luke walked through the halls, holding onto some of his books.

He was really so so bad at English- He didn't think he was this bad!

He didn't think he was bad enough for his English teacher to refer him to a tutor, for free!

Though then again it was another student-

He just shrugged as he walked into the library.

Having to immediately walk back out and hide behind a wall.

What the hell was up with this week!

Was it just simply fate?! Why did he keep bumping into Zander!

He peeked his head in, and saw Zander who was just playing with a.. Gameboy-? He hadnt seem one of those since-...well ever-  he just shrugged as he walked over.

"Zander! Are you my tutor?" He questioned.

Zanders head perked up as he powered off the game boy and set it into its case before putting it in his bag.

"Yes, take a seat." He gestured to the seat across from him.

Luke wasn't listening, at all.

He ever so simply, sat with his head propped on one of his hands, as he watched Zander who was looking in a comprehension book, probably explaining some analysis shit.

He wasn't listening to a word, he'd much rather sit there, and admire him.

His eyes, his lips, his hair, his hands, his body shape, his makeup, his piercings. He couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Now, Luke was no idiot (contrary to popular belief) he knew what this was. He knew he was crushing, and honestly, he didn't care, in his Defense, that man right there, sitting infront of him, was cute as fuck, he had no shame.

"...-o you understand yes? These questions need you to quote, comment, to find a quote, you look through the passage to find a word or phrase that connects to the question asked, and in the comment, you simply analysis it, and really pick apart the quote, yes??"

"...Yeah no, definitely, I understood that very well.."

"Oh, okay, I'll leave you to it, I'll check back in fifteen minutes." Zander stood up and left the library, presumably to go on ahead with his duties.

Luke looked at the book infront of him.

..he didn't understand shit.


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