🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 30🌸

157 19 35

Zander couldn't help the feeling of being watched. He knew he was being watched if anything. It was really hard to ignore.

He kept looking around but couldn't see anyone, that threat he got a while back in his locker about getting jumped didn't seem impossible anymore.

He was about to go home, but he realised he couldn't, not with someone presumably following him. Obviously, he felt extremely uneasy. He kept looking around, but he could never find the source of the eyes. Slowly, he reached into his pocket, and pulled out his phone. Slowly he held his phone down low, and to his side, as he carefully searched through for Luke's contact, he knew whoever this person was, he could probably beat them, he could restrain them and even pepper-spray then, but still, he felt as though he needed someone here with him....who preferably was not his apparent stalker. Slowly he moved the microphone of his wired earphones up to his mouth as he awaited Luke to pick up.

"Hiya honey!" Zander almost sighed in relief as he heard Luke's voice. "Need anything? Are you home yet?"

Zander whispered his response. "Okay, long story short, I think someone's following me.. I'm not scared, per say...? It's just... unsettling and I want to be here... I could more than probably confront them myself, but I don't know if they're armed or not so it's not smart... can you come or should I call someone else...?" He spoke in a hushed tone. Not panicked in the slightest.

"You're being followed!? Do you know who it is!?"

"..no. I haven't seen them, but I know they're there."

"Where are you!?"

"..near the church."

"Ok can you quickly walk over to the corner shop-!? Wait for me there, okay?" Luke spoke, Zander could hear keys jingling, it was safe to presume Luke was on his way.

"Mhm, take your time, I'm sure I won't be jumped within the next 10 minutes, 15 is a stretch though..." Zander hung up as he continued to anxiously look around him, the fact he didn't know who was following him, was the scariest part. Not the fact he was being followed.

He made his way to the corner store, and walked inside. His posture straight as ever. The cashier immediately spoke up.

"Hiya young man!" He grinned.

Zander just looked at him and nodded as he began to browse. He tried looking through the iced coffees, but his gaze kept drifting back to the large glass windows of the store. He was caught of guard when he saw a bright white light. He quickly identified it as a camera flash. He wasted no time going to the back of the store. Following him was one thing, but taking pictures turned it into an entirely new issue because now he's proven he wasn't just being delusional, he hated having his pictures taken, he hated having them taken by anyone but Luke.

Zander was now pretending to browse at some magazines, they all sucked. Half naked women on the front, it was either that or it was Doc mc Stuffings paired with a completely unrelated plastic toy dog. Oh, and there was some others about the English monarchy, even though they were in America. Eventually he heard the door to the store go. Was it Luke?

Nervously he peaked his head out from behind one of the shelves, and smiled upon seeing it was his boyfriend. As soon as Luke noticed Zander, he beckoned Luke to come over.

He whispered in a hushed tone. "I'm definitely not seeing things, someone took a picture of me as soon as I entered the store, from outside, with flash on."

"What-!? Really-!?"

Zander nodded. "I'm not scared, as I mentioned, more just..disturbed. Heavily disturbed."

"Well- If you're not scared, I'm fucking petrified!"

"Oh calm down Luke, you and I both know I could take down anyone who threatens me."

"...evidently, you broke Stacys wrist and dislocated her elbow."

"Exactly, even if it ends up being some 7'6 gu-"

"If it ends up being a 7'6 guy, you're on your own, no amount of love could make me fight him for you."

"Metaphorically Luke! Glad to know you love me." Zander scoffed.

Luke just grinned. "I really do~~ Just not enough to fight someone who's a whole foot and 5 inches taller than me."

"Then literally go throw yourself into a volcano, don't need you anyways."

"Yes you do! Who else would buy you Uber eats at 4 in the morning?"

"Me myself and I, independent king!"

"Shut up peasant, you're not a king."

"Ok shut up, anyways- I'm being like, stalked? So where do we go from here?...also grab me an iced coffee over there, I was looking at them before someone snapped a picture of me."

"I feel like you should probably be a bit more bothered about this whole thing than you are."

"Believe me when I say, I'm actually very bothered, I'm just not showing it because I'll freak out if I do."

"Ok, fair enough, I'm very scared right now actually."

"Yeahhhh... me too. Actually horrified, someone has an off guard picture of me."

"NOT the issue at hand here, but I'm going to take that as, you're also horrified someone is following you?"

"Yep, absolutely and I am about to entirely force myself to pass out and let you do the work."

"Let us not! Ok, let's just pay for your drink, anddddd... go to a hotel..?"

"Luke what kind of movie land are you living in."

"One where you don't get jumped."

"Oh that's nice, me too."

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