🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 14🌸

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Luke walked through the halls, it was five minutes until first period, he had skipped registration.

He had to find Zander. It was all over the schools news website last night that someone had destroyed his painting. While yes, most people in the school heavily disliked Zander, they all came to an agreement that such an act was simply too far. He was cheated out of a scholarship.

Luke had heard people as soon as he walked into school, some said they had seen Zander, walking through the halls with a black hoodie over his uniform he prided so much. Hair unbrushed, eyeliner not done, and worst of all. He was slouching. He hadn't stopped to lecture anyone, he hadn't went straight to the head pupil lounge, he was just aimlessly walking about. Reportedly, his eyes were blood shot.

He walked into the library, and sighed in relief as he saw Zander. He was unloading numerous books out of his bag before picking up the pile and handing them over to the librarian as she   scanned them and presumably made a note on her computer of the returns.

"Zander, you only took all of these out yesterday? Why are you returning them?"

"I finished them"

"All five-!? These big books-!?"

Zander hesitated.


"If you say so.. I heard about what happened to your painting dear, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine."

"What are your plans for art school now?"

"I'm not going."

Both Luke and the librarian paused and looked at him.

"..not going..? But you were so set on it..?"

"It doesn't matter, not anymore. Thank you, Miss."

He gave her a small nod as he walked away, noticing Luke standing at the door.

"Oh..- Luke-!"

All of a sudden, Zander looked guilty.

"Are you okay..? I heard about what happened..?"

"I'll be happy in the end." He muttered, his eyes casting down to the floor as he walked side by side with Luke.

"You're not going to art school..?"

Zander shook his head.

"Where are you planning on going?"

Zander shrugged.

"I'll be heading home now, I only came to return the books.

"Oh- Okay! I get it-!" Luke offered a smile as Zander walked ahead, but before he walked out of the side door of the school, he turned to Luke.

"Hey Luke?"

"Hm? What's up?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I'll miss you." And before Luke could respond or even try to understand what he was saying.

He opened the door, and he left.

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