🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 5🌸

277 17 76


The class sat in silence, it was after hours of school, they were waiting for detention to start.

This was so dumb! Why did Luke get detention! He didn't do anything! It was Millie!

He just huffed as he looked up at the teacher who was up front, lecturing them.

"I have a note here of how long you're all set for detention! So dont try walking out early, when the head boy comes to watch over you, I don't want ANYONE switching seats or names, I don't want anyone to toy with his mind, just sit down, sit still, and don't talk! As almost all of you are  aware, the head boy will call you out for an individual chat of behaviour, treat him with respect. He's only doing his duties. If I hear from him that ANYONE is rude, I will personally give your parents a call! Understood?" She questioned, she was a stern teacher, but to her favourite students? She was almost like a sweet grandmother. It was common knowledge however, that her up top all time favourite students, were the heads.

All of a sudden, her mood shifted as she heard a knock on the door, Zander stood there with his straight posture, no expression readable on his face, once again.

She smiled as she picked up her handbag.

"Hello sweetie! I've gone over the ground rules with them, thank you so much! I'll be back later on to discuss! As you know, the times of the detentions are on the list! You know the drill?"

Zander nodded as he recounted the schedule in his head.

"..Take attendance, call your office if someone isn't here.. talk to them.. then I can sit on my phone or crochet..?" He asked, to double check.

"Mhm! Awh, you're so good!" She glared at the other students. "You guys should take notes."

"Oh- I have spare notepads if anyone needs..?"

Luke had to stifle a small laugh.

"Metaphor, honey."

"Oh-! I see, have a nice day miss."

She smiled at him as she pat his shoulder. "You too, Zander, I'll see you soon!" And so, she walked out.

Zander walked over to the teachers desk and sat down, as soon as the door shut behind the teacher, everyone started talking.

To which Zander simply responded by clapping his hands twice and raising his voice telling them to keep quiet.

Zander picked up the sheet of paper, and started calling out the names. Almost immediately, Luke could hear people were responding to the wrong name. He just rolled his eyes.

"Luke Peterson?"



The two Luke's, stared at eachother, as Zander stared at the fraud and pointed at him.

"Whats your name?"


"No, he's Luke. Whats your name?"

"No I-"

"I've already met him. Whats your name?"

The boy just grumbled as he slumped down. "..James."

"Keep your posture straight, you look like a slob." Zander said, he wasn't trying to be insulting, Luke could tell.

'James' rolled his eyes as he sat up.

"Is everyone sure they answered to the correct names?"

A few nods around the room.

Zander just shrugged as he put the paper down and started calling people out.

Eventually, it was Luke's turn. He walked up with a small awkward smile, seeing Zander holding that same notepad.

"Luke, why are you here? Its not like you?"

"Ah- im here for disruptive behaviour, I took the hit for Millie." He gave a small nervous chuckle.

Zander just stared at him with his usual blank eyes for a few seconds.

Luke shifted uncomfortably, the eye contact was held for too long for his liking, without a word.

All of a sudden, Zander flipped a page and started scribbling in his note pad again before ripping the page out and handing it to Luke.

"You can go, hand this to miss on your way out."

Before Luke could respond, the class erupted into yelling and complaints.

Zander just sat there and looked at Luke.

"Bye bye" he gave a small wave.

"I- Thank you-! Bye-!" Luke turned around as he walked out, feeling blush creep onto his face.

As Luke was walking through the halls, he saw the teacher practically charging through the hallways.


Oh god.

"Yes miss..-?"




Luke just stared at her, knowing he was about to get into trouble.

"Im so sorry for the misunderstanding! Have a nice night!" She smiled as she ruffled his hair. Then almost immediately charged past him like a raging bull as she threw open the classroom door, he could hear the yelling from where he was, and if he was honest? ..it gave him goosebumps.


Mister Perfect || Lander AU || Zander Headboy Auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें