🌸𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 23🌸

281 18 98

"So... You and André, Hm?" Luke asked as they sat on Zanders bed, Luke in a more lounging position while Zander was straight posture  sitting at the edge of the bed, really, you'd think Zander was the visitor.

"Oh? Yes, I tutored him last year."

"He seems awfully attached to you- don't you think-?"

Zander just sighed.

"That's because he is."

"Oh-! So you are friends?"


Luke sat there as he failed to process what Zander said.

"..Come again-?"

"He is my ex boyfriend"

"..But I thought... you said that you liked me since elementary..?"

Zander nodded.


"Well-.. This was around a month before Daisy joined the pupil council, so not too long ago actually, I didn't have any friends, really, and Hailey was always hesitant on having me around your gro-"


"Mhm, anyways, Sadie always prefers to be alone, so I respect that, so he was my only friend."

"..Oh.. I See.."

Zander nodded. "So he asked me out, and I didn't want to loose him, had I of been given more time to think, I would've rejected him, but it was on the spot completely out random, it made me feel nervous as there was nothing leading up to it, just simply asking me out, so I agreed. Anyways, I didn't love him, if at all, I actually grew to dislike him quite a bit actually."

"Oh- That's not like you?"

"Bad boyfriend. So then Daisy joined the pupil council... and well- she's the only person I feel comfortable talking to about my problems, even now-...no offence."

"Nono-! None taken don't worry! I know you struggle with that!"

And then Zander gave a small smile, the smile Luke had grown to love and desire.

Zander continued on. "So she convinced me to break up with him, well.. I did, but then he got rude and violent, so Daisy let me leave while she took over, I still don't know what happened after. She won't tell me."


"Mhm, he was throwing things at Daisy and I and screaming profanities I cannot relay to you."

"And you still let him speak to you-!?"

"Well I mean- I don't really have a blacklist-"

"..Jesus.. you shouldn't let him talk to you after that.. I MEAN- NOT THAT IM TRYING TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR YOU ITS JUST-"

"It's ok, he's a cock sucking little prick with no social life and no friends and he's a fucking creep who needs to get his fucking dumb ass face sorted out before he speaks in my fucking presence."

Luke sat there, flabbergasted.




"..I didn't say anything... are you feeling alright...?"  He smiled sweetly.

"You-! ...whatever."

Zander giggled before making the choice to quickly change the subject before he got called out on his gaslighting.

"Is there anything you'd want for Christmas?" Zander asked as he moved so he could sit on his knees ontop of his bed.

"Christmas-? Already-?"


"Not at all-! But really, you don't have to get me anything! That's my job."

Zander rolled his eyes as he pouted.

"I already told you! I don't care if you do this 'Prince treatment' thing as you call it! I can still buy you things!"

Luke grinned as he crossed his legs.

"Can you?" Luke teased.

"You-! ..Jump off building." Zander crossed his arms.

"Will you jump with me?"

"Yuh huh."

"Great! That's Fine then!"

Luke smiled as he sat up as he gently took zanders face in his hands.

He smiled at his lover before leaning in, and kissing him, Zander immediately kissed him back as he rested his hands on Luke's shoulders.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes, Zander had somehow ended up on Luke's lap before they broke apart.

Luke gave a smile as he took Zanders face in his hands again before he began to repeatedly smother his face in kisses.

Zander began laughing as a blush spread of his cheeks while he tried to push Luke's face away.

Hailey smiled as she watched from the hallway, she was just passing by when she heard giggling, and of course, stumbled onto the scene. She'd never seen Zander so happy. Usually at this time he'd be sitting all depressed and sad, alone at his window. But here he was, laughing, smiling, actually being happy for once.

They're never going to leave their honey moon phase, are they?

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