Chapter 23

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After Anna and I chatted for what seemed like an eternity, a nurse came in and told me Anna should get some rest. I said good bye to her and engulfed her in a big hug and then left Anna's room with the nurse. She closed the door and pulled me to the side.

"M'am, I would just like to say that Anna will be well enough to leave within the next two days. She's recovered so well and has kept her spirits up throughout the whole ordeal. I hope they find whoever did this to her", she said with a warm smile and left. If only she knew.

I was making my way down the hall when I heard a door open from behind me. Just out of curiosity I turned my head around to get a glimpse of whoever it was. When I saw them, I was full of confusion.

"Jack? What are you doing here?"

As soon as he heard my voice, he stiffened. Then he slowly turned around to reveal a puffy, red, and very angry face. Had he been crying?

"Jack, are you OK?", I asked while walking towards him.

"Oh, so suddenly you care?", he said in cold tone. Where was this coming from?!

"I'm confused. Did I do something?"

Jack just stared at me like I punched him in the gut. "STOP LYING! You know what you did!"

"Jack, calm down-". He didn't let me finish.

"NO! Elsa, I thought you cared about me, I thought what we had was real! But it's clear to me that I was wrong."

Oh no. He heard what I said?! But, but he wasn't even here! Or was he?

"You heard what I said?"


I noticed that he was starting to tear up. He turned his face away from me, breaking eye contact.

"Jack, I didn't want you to find out this way", I said while putting my head down.

"Really? So you were actually planning on telling me all those things you said to Anna? Or were you going to sugar coat it as much as possible?!", he yelled at me.

"Jack, just try to understand. It was either you or Anna, and she's my sister. I'm sorry."

"What happened to not choosing between the two of us?! I'm pretty sure you were the one who said you could have both of us."

"Jack, I'm not sure that you've noticed, but Anna hates your guts. And her hatred for you has really put a wedge in our relationship. And you probably heard the part where she said that YOU made her think I would choose you over her, and that's why she stabbed herself! IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU, ANNA WOULDN'T HAVE A SCAR ON HER STOMACH THE SIZE AS MY MIDDLE FINGER!!!"

Jack was shocked by me yelling at him like that and so was I. I've never yelled at him before. I could feel myself wanting to cry, but I sniffled all back.

"I'm sorry Jack, I'm so sorry."

He just looked at me with no emotion. "Did you really it? When you said that you wished I never existed?", he asked in a hushed tone.

Tears started to form in my eyes. "No, of course not! You mean the world to me, it's just-"

"Anna means more", he completed my sentence. After that, I just let it all out and fell to the floor.

"Oh Jack! I don't want to lose you! I love you", I said in between sniffles. I felt something warm wrap around me and I embraced the feeling. It was Jack giving me a hug.

"I don't want to lose you either. I love you too much", I heard Jack whisper in my ear. Even when  he was mad at me, Jack still comforts me. He really does love me and I thought he was just a charming playboy. I couldn't feel more guilty. Jack let go of the hug and I stood up and sniffled for the last time.

"So what are going to do?", I asked him.

"I don't know. I don't want to be the reason you lose your sister, but I can't just let you go", he said with much sincerity. Then I got an idea.

"Then we'll just have to keep our relationship a secret. I'll just tell Anna we broke up, she'll be happier than a kid in a candy store, and we can still be together. What do you think?"

Jack gave me a huge smirk. "Well, if it's the only way, then I think it's one your best ideas yet."

I just smiled and playfully punched his arm. He smiled back and pulled me closer to him. He started leaning in and I met him half way for a slow, passionate kiss. It lasted for a while until I finally broke it. I've missed kissing Jack like that. He's a very good kisser for a guy who's never kissed a girl before.

After our kiss, there was an awkward silence until Jack said something.

"Elsa, you know I cried my eyes out when I heard all those things you said. I just couldn't bear to think that you never loved me and that you thought I never loved you."

"I'm so sorry Jack. I was just so upset when I heard Anna tried to kill herself and lied to me about it. I didn't mean anything I said about you, I promise."

He nodded his head and gave me a smile. I loved his smile and everything about him. It might be against Anna's wishes, but I could never just dump Jack like yesterday's trash. I just hope someday she'll come to understand that I can love her and Jack at the same time, without having to pick between them. I guess I had a sad look on my face because Jack came over and lifted my chin up.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm 100% certain that we won't have to keep us a secret from Anna for too long. She'll have to come around eventually."

I gave him a weak smile. "I know, I just hate keeping secrets from her."

"I know, but it's the only way for you and I to be together without your sister blowing a fuse. So what do you say? Are you ready to break-up?", he said with a smirk.

*sigh* "I'm ready as I'll ever be."

*waves awkwardly* Hey peoples! Look, I updated finally! Isn't it awesome? Actually no, it's not. I really didn't like this chapter as much as I thought I would. It was kinda boring, wasn't it? But I won't let it get me down cuz there's still more chapters to write and they'll be much better than this one. Adios, amigos! 

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