Chapter 17

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I couldn't believe what just happened. Elsa just kissed me!

"I knew it."

"Knew what?", Elsa asked.

"That you like me."

Elsa started blushing hard, but then quickly frowned.

"Jack, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but...."

"But what?"

"I-I just don't feel that way about you."

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. What am I doing wrong? Was it something I said?

"Elsa, what am I doing wrong? Why do you keep pushing me away?!"

She wouldn't answer me. She wouldn't even look at me.

"I don't understand. You kiss me and then tell you don't have feelings for me?! What are trying to do?"

"Jack, I'm sorry. I-"

"NO. The least you can do is tell me, tell me why?"

Elsa was silent for awhile until she started sniffling.

"IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE IMMORTAL!! How can I like someone who would eventually out live me?"

I didn't know how to answer that. Elsa was right. If we did ever have a relationship, I would be setting both of us up for disappointment and heartbreak. She would eventually grow old and die and I would depressed with losing my other half.

"Jack, I do like you, a lot, but I don't want to break your heart. Besides, you could do better", Elsa said while bowing her head.

I gave her a frown. I don't understand why she thinks of herself as some insignificant person who has nothing special about them. Can't Elsa just see that she's one of the most beautiful people on the planet and that I love her?!

I stepped closer to her and lifted up her chin. "Elsa, if I could do better do you really think I would be hanging out with you all the time, trying to impress you?", I said in a hushed tone.

Elsa chuckled a little and laid her cheek in my hand. "And besides, it would be my pleasure to have my heart broken by you", I said with a smirk.

I started to gaze at her eyes and felt that warm, fuzzy feeling I felt the night I tried to kiss her for the first time. She was just so beautiful and I wanted to make her mine, forever. I started leaning in but quickly stopped myself. I didn't want to repeat my mistake. But as I stopped myself, Elsa grabbed my face between her hands.

"It's OK, I want this", Elsa said in a voice lower than a whisper. She pulled my face towards hers until our lips met. I was surprised by her actions, but slowly relaxed and enjoyed the moment. Her lips were so soft and every kiss felt like a warm blanket that's come right out of the dryer. I could feel a urge rush through my body, an urge I have been trying to fight for a LONG time.

I started reaching up Elsa's dress and trying to pull it over her head, but her dress was so long. She started giggling like a little girl.

"Jack, you're tickling me!"

"Sorry, but maybe if you wouldn't wear such long dresses I won't be having this issue."

Elsa just couldn't stop laughing. Which made me want to laugh. Ahh this is what I love about her.

"So, do you want to take whatever is going on here into the bedroom?"

"I think that would be the best idea", Elsa said while trying not to laugh.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom. This would be a night to remember.

Hey guys! Long time no see, am I right? I've missed "talking" to you guys; seems like it's been forever. Sorry for the short chapter, but I just don't know how to describe romance. It's REALLY hard! (That's what she said. I couldn't help myself.) And I'll be honest, writing this chapter was kinda awkward, but overall I'm fangirling so hard because Elsa finally kissed Jack!!! (V) (;,,;) (V). So sorry for the slow update, but I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading and comment and vote!!!

Beware the Frozen Heart (Jelsa AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon