Chapter 22

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Jack (When Elsa found Anna)

Elsa knocked and opened the door to Anna's dorm and went inside when she noticed that the door was already opened. I followed her. The place was a wreck! I noticed that Anna was nowhere to be seen and I sensed Elsa was starting get worried and she started screaming out her name. Elsa looked in every room so fast, even I couldn't keep up with her. She reached the last room in the dorm and I heard her starting to cry. Elsa must have found Anna.

"JACK!! CALL 9-1-1!!!", Elsa screamed at out at me.

I started hovering out the door when I realized how was I going to call for help? I'm sure the doctors at the hospital don't believe in Jack Frost, so I was going to have to find somebody who did. And there was only one person I knew who still did. UGH, I REALLY didn't want to do this.

I hovered over to the principal's office and slowly opened the door. I crouched down in front of the desk and made my way to another room behind the desk. And in there sat the most despicable, psychotic person I've ever met: Hiccup. He didn't look up at me when he spoke.

"Here to come and gloat?".

"No, I came to return the your knife you left in our dorm. I figured you wanted it back".

Hiccup raised his head and smirked. "Why are you really here, Jack?".

I really didn't want to be here, but I had no other choice. "I...I need a favor".

"Well, you came to the right place. What do you need?", he asked with a sly smile.

"I need you to make a call to 9-1-1", I said sternly while handing Hiccup a cell phone.

"OK, who's the lucky contestant?", he asked sarcastically.

"That's none of your concern. Just tell the operator that there's someone hurt in dorm 144".

"Fine". Hiccup dialed 9-1-1 and told them exactly what I told him to say. He hung up and gave me back the phone.

"Thanks. I owe you one".

"Whatever, Jack. Just promise me you won't ask me to do anything like this again. And I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this".

"Deal. I have to go, though", I said in a sad tone.

"Yeah, I figured that. I hope you and Elsa make it. She really loves you, I can tell".

I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I guess she does. Will I ever see you again?".

Hiccup smirked. "I'm sure you will".

"See you later", I said as walking out the door.

"See you in another life, brother", he said while giving a salute. And that was the last time I would ever see Hiccup again.

As soon as I left the principal's office, I saw the paramedics making their way to Anna's dorm. I rushed over there to tell Elsa that help was on the way.

"The paramedics are here", I said while panting heavily. Elsa smiled and mouthed a "thank you". I smirked. The paramedics put Anna on a stretcher and started rolling her out of the room. I saw that she had a knife in her stomach! Who could have done this? Elsa followed the paramedics out to an ambulance and I followed her. They asked her to get into the ambulance with Anna to go with her to the hospital. I wanted to come too, but Elsa refused.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine on my own".

I looked at her with a worried face, but I reluctantly nodded. I was about to walk away, but Elsa grabbed me by my hoodie and gave me a quick kiss.

"I'll be back soon. I promise", she said with a reassuring smile. After that, the ambulance left. I wanted to trust Elsa's judgement, I really did, but I couldn't just let her go alone. After an hour of worrying, I finally decided to go to the hospital and be there for Elsa. It took me awhile to get there because I got lost a couple of times, but I finally got there in one piece. I went in and looked around for Elsa, but I couldn't find her. After what left like forever, I was about to give up when I spotted that head of platinum blonde hair. Elsa!

I was about to open the door when I heard someone yelling.


Elsa?! What was she talking about?

"Oh Elsa, I'm so sorry!". Anna?  What the hell is going on?!

"Well, you should be! Why, Anna? Why would you lie to me about stabbing yourself? And why would you stab yourself?!", I heard Elsa yell. Wait, Anna stabbed herself?! 

"IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU!", I heard Anna scream. Why does she blame Elsa? I couldn't hear all of what Elsa said to Anna, but I heard Anna start yelling at Elsa again. 

"Don't you see? It was your fault all along! Ever since you shut me out for all those years, I started to fall into a deep depression. Mom and Dad took to a shrink twice a week, and the result always came back the same: spending time with you would help me. But, Father always refused and he never told me why. After finding out you had ice magic, I finally understood why you shut me out and thought I could overcome my depression now that you and I would be together, forever! But then, we came to Disney and everything changed. I was raped, you were having sex with Jack, it just made me want to lose it! And then Jack comes up to me and says you would pick him over me. Stupid, right? WRONG! Because I realized that why would you pick the sister you shut out for what? Over ten years? and froze her heart and almost killed over Jack Frost: the guy you f*cked. So I decided to end it right then and there, but you guys found me. Yippee! I knew you would be devastated if you found out I did this to myself, so I lied to you. There, happy now?". 

I heard that Anna was done ranting and what she said made feel so guilty. I never meant for Anna to feel this way. After that, I heard Anna and Elsa start to cry.

"I never meant for this to happen! I wish you never found me, I wish I wasn't raped, and I wish Jack never existed!". I couldn't feel more guilty than I felt right now. But nothing that Anna said could feel like a spear through my heart than what Elsa said after that. 

"And I wish Jack Frost never existed either! He's the one to blame, not yourself. I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to get him out of our lives, whatever it takes", Elsa said with much seriousness her voice.

"Anna, I'm SO sorry for all of this. Jack told me you said these things, but I didn't take it seriously. I let Jack cloud my judgement about you with his charm and false allegations about loving me. I'm sure all he wanted was sex from the moment we met and I gave up my virginity to him. I can NEVER forgive him", I heard Elsa say. Oh, so that's what she thinks of me. Where was this coming from?! All of these things she was saying was false! I do love her, with all my heart and it was NEVER just about sex. Does she not realize I lost my virginity too?! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!! 

I couldn't take it anymore. I left the side of the door and flew into the bathroom and locked the door. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore and I just sat on the floor and cried. 

After crying until I couldn't cry anymore, I cleaned my face and left the bathroom. Was making my way to the exit, when I heard someone call my name.

"Jack? What are you doing here?", Elsa asked in her usual royal voice. I couldn't be more angry.

HOLY F*CK!!!!! I can't believe that just happened! Can you? Cuz I can't. I still can't! Just ASDFGHJKL!!! I'm fangirling so hard right, my heart is literally about to stop I may need to call the fanbulance. Just hope I don't have a heart attack so I can finish this book. Comment and I'll answer right away to make sure I'm not dead. Thanks for all the reads and votes! I looked at my book stats and I have almost 1,500 reads and 70 votes! I'M FREAKING OUT!!! I need calm down, so I'm gonna leave now. Love ya! 

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