Chapter 1

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I was asleep in my room in my castle. It was early in the morning; the sun was just rising over the horizon. I could hear myself snoring gently to the beating of my heart. I was about to get up and welcome the beautiful morning when I felt something heavy jump on my back.


"Elsa! WAKE UP! It's time to GO!"

It was Anna, trying to wake me up in the most annoying way possible.

"Thanks for the wake-up call, Anna. Just let me get dressed and I'll be right out!"

"Ok. I'll be waiting for you outside the gates. You have 15 minutes until we have to leave."

Oh, I forgot to tell you: Anna and I go to this super cool boarding school called Disney's School for Special and Super-Powered Students, but everyone calls it Disney for short. I don't have many friends that go to Disney, so it's nice that this year Anna gets come. Almost everyone at Disney has some kind of cool powers, like I have the ability to control ice and snow.

There's also the neighboring boarding school, DreamWorks' School for Special and Super-Powered Students. I honestly don't know why there's two some the same boarding schools that are right next to each other! Might as well just combine the two schools, you know, to makes things easier. Being in separated schools automatically makes the people who go to the schools mortal enemies. It just doesn't make sense to me. Anyway,

I put on my signature blue ice dress, packed my things, and made my way to the gate entrance to meet Anna. We had to leave the kingdom by boat so we couldn't be followed. You see, even though lot's of people go to Disney, the location is kept secret for protection. If normal people found out about Disney, everyone would be shunned by the world for being freaks.

Anna and I boarded the boat and we started sailing off. This was going to be a special year for me, because this my last year at Disney. I was very surprised that Anna got an invitation to Disney because she doesn't have powers or special abilities. Kristoff swears that Anna has super strength because she whacked a wolf with a lute, pulled down a giant tree to slam into my snow monster, Marshmallow, and pulled him up from falling off a cliff. Although it's possible, I highly doubt that counts as a super power. But if it means Anna gets to come, it doesn't matter to me.

After the long, grueling, and boring hours on the ship, we docked right near the entrance to Disney. I can't wait to see what adventures are in store for me this year. And with Anna around, it's going to be twice as fun. And who knows? Maybe I'll even find that special someone.

Ok, so what do guys think? If anyone's confused, here's the layout: so everything that happened in Frozen and ROTG are set in the modern day. But this storyline happened after the "Big Thaw" and before Jack and the Guardians defeated Pitch. I hope you liked it and if you did, comment, vote, and share this story to infinity and beyond! And if you have any suggestions, just comment and I'll do my best to comply with what you're asking.

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