Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It annoyed me at first because I was in the middle of an incredible dream, but I was quickly engulfed in joy when i realized it was my first day of class! I hastily got on my clothes, did my make-up, and took my schedule with me out of my dorm to the dining hall. I was SO hungry, I could eat a polar bear! (Just FYI, yes, pun intended, and no, I don't like the fact that polar bears are endangered and I don't approve of animal cruelty, so don't hate me for this pun. Thanks.)

I was looking for Anna and Rapunzel over at a table near the window. They seemed like they were having quite a fun time together. I'm happy Anna has someone she can hang-out with. I was walking towards them when I bumped into someone; someone I REALLY needed to apologize to.

"Gogo! I'm sorry; I wasn't looking where I was going and-"

She shushed me before I could say anything else.

"Look, I'm only going to say this once, so listen up. I'm...sorry, OK?"

I was confused. Wasn't I the one who needed to apologize?

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who yelled at you for having your own opinion. Shouldn't I apologize to you?"

"Let me finish! I wanted to say I'm sorry for not believing in magic. It turns out, you were right."


"HOW?! How did someone make you believe in magic over night?"

"Let's just say I was on my way to see my friend Honey Lemon after we had that huge fight when I cut my arm on a long, sharp piece of medal sticking out of the wall. I went to the nurse's office to see Ms. Kida. I thought all she would be able to do was disinfect my cut and bandage it up, but instead, she pulled out a glowing blue crystal necklace from around her neck, put her hand on my cut, and she healed it just like that! It was the most amazing thing that has EVER happened to me."

Why didn't I think of taking Gogo to see Kida?! And do ALL of her friends have weird names?

"Well, I'm glad you believe in magic now. But I truly am sorry for yelling at you. It wasn't right of me to judge you just because you didn't believe in magic. Even if you still didn't, you would have made an awesome friend."

I could tell that Gogo was pleased by what I said and she did a little smirk and said,

"Apology accepted. Maybe we could, you know, start over? Like, from the beginning?"

I couldn't be happier! I smiled back and said,

"Of course!"

We both smiled like the biggest idiots on the planet and reached out our hands.

"Hi, I'm Gogo Tomago. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"

I giggled a little and returned the question.

"Nice to meet you, Gogo. My name is Elsa, Queen of Arendelle."

Gogo giggled too. It made me want to laugh even more.

"So, friends?"


Gogo popped a piece of gum in her mouth and linked her arm in mine. She started walking me towards a table right behind the table were Anna and Rapunzel were sitting.

"Oh, Elsa. You've gotta meet my friends I've been telling you about. You'll love them, they're really cool."

She seemed pretty enthusiastic about me meeting her friends. Even though I was shy around new people, I was actually pretty excited. Any friend of Gogo's, was a friend of mine.

"OK, but only if you promise to meet my sister, Anna and my cousin, Rapunzel. They're pretty cool too."


I could tell this was going to be an AWESOME year. Nothing could ruin this for me.

YAY Elsa and Gogo are friends! Did you guys like it? Be honest; I can take it. Did you guys want me to go more into depth on how it would be like when Elsa met the Big Hero 6 gang? If you do, comment and I'll put up a short extension to this chapter. Also, comment if you just want to say if you like my book so far or if you have any ideas for a chapter. Thanks for your support!!! :-)

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