Chapter 3

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I made my way to the reregistration office with Anna by my side. I had to show her around the school first because it was her first time at Disney and she threatened that if i didn't give her a tour, she would not even get off the boat! Jeez, she can be REALLY persistent, but that's what I love about her. We met with Mrs. Minnie, the secretary, to get our sign-in papers. Anna had more to fill out because it was her first year.

Once we were registered, Mrs. Minnie gave us our student IDs and room keys. Since Anna is a freshmen and I'm a senior, we're in different rooms on different sides of the school. I knew that would happen, but I'm still sad because I'll only see her during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. *Sigh*

I walked Anna to her dorm so I could have a chance to say goodbye. She unlocked the door to reveal a young girl, about Anna's age, with SUPER long golden hair. I recognized this girl!

"Rapunzel! Is that you?"

She wiped her head around and smiled like the Cheshire cat.

"ELSA! ANNA! Oh my god it's so good to see you guys! But wait a minute; I'm pretty sure I locked that door. Unless..."

"That's right! Anna is going to be your roommate!"

"*Squeal* YAY!!! Oh Anna, we're going to have SO much fun together!"

Oh yeah, Rapunzel is Anna and I's cousin. She's our dad's sister's daughter. Next in line to the thrown in her Kingdom, Corona. Also, her hair is magic. It can heal the sick and keep people alive forever. Pretty cool, right? I figured she was going to come, but how lucky is it that she got to be Anna's roommate?!

"Well, I'll leave you to peas-in-a-pod alone. I still have to get to my dorm and unpack. Bye!"

"Bye, Elsa!

I made my way to my dorm and unlocked the door quickly as I could. I couldn't wait to find out who MY roommate was going to be! I opened the door to find a girl with black and purple hair, around my age, chewing gum and blowing a enormous bubble.

"Hello. I'm Elsa. What's your name?"

*Blows bubble and it pops loudly* "Hi Elsa, I'm Gogo, Gogo Tomago."

Wow, I hope that's just a nickname.

"So, what's your special ability?"

"I'm an inventor. I recently mechanically engineered a super side bike and turned it into a super suit. I have five other friends who go here and they're all inventors too."

"That's so cool! I wish I was that smart."

"So Elsa, what's your ability?"

"Well, I can manipulate ice and snow."

"Cool, like Ice Man from the X-Men?"

"What? No, no, no, not like that. Well, sort of; it's magic."

"Magic? I'm not buying it."

"Wait, what? You don't believe in magic?!

"Well, DUH! Of course I don't! Why would I? Magic isn't real."

Right then and there, I blew a fuse.



I've never felt more guilty in my life, besides the time I hit Anna with my powers, twice.

"Gogo, I'm SO sorry. I didn't mean..."

"You want to know how I got in this school? My brains, my ideas, and my awesome inventions. I would consider that a special ability, wouldn't you?"

And with that, she huffed out of the room and slammed the door. God, why does making friends have to be so hard?! (That's what she said ;)) I mean, yeah, I shouldn't have yelled at her, but how can she not believe in magic? Has she met ANYONE around here? The only people who probably don't have magic are her friends.

But, I guess she's right. Not everyone's blessed to be a science prodigy, so that's gotta be worth something. But I still don't agree with on the "magic isn't real" thing. I guess Gogo's just going to need a little persuasion.

So how do you guys like Elsa and Gogo being roommates? Pretty cool, right? Just FYI, I don't own ANY of the characters I'm using and making choice references from Marvel. Also, you probably will see more "that's what she said" jokes and stuff like that. My mind is too polluted and no Eco-friendly crap can save it. Thanks for reading!!! :)

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