Chapter 9

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This chapter kinda has some cursing in it. Sorry! (not really)

One week later

The school was finally finished with the transition. It was successfully renamed Disney-DreamWorks School for Special and Super Powered Students. Everyone who had transferred from DreamWorks had been put into the system and were comfortably settled into their new dorms. Classes haven't started yet because the head teachers were still working out everyone's schedules.

Elsa was super excited about the merge. She didn't understand why, because she still got shy around new people, but she was excited about...meeting new people. Maybe she was excited because she getting over the fear of meeting new people? She really didn't know. Anna and Rapunzel were excited too. Gogo...well, nobody could tell with her. Everybody was getting ready to go to a giant assembly so they could get a feel for their new peers.

"Gogo, are you excited?!"

"Meh, I'll admit, all these new people here have made this place more interesting."

Elsa couldn't wait to have the chance to meet and introduce the new students to their new home.

Jack was having a different reaction to the whole thing; Hiccup could tell.

"Come on, Jack! We can't miss this assembly; everyone is required to go."

"I don't care. I hate that we had to merge with this stupid school. Everyone's always so giddy ALL THE TIME and singing at random times for no reason! It's just unnatural!"

"Yeah, I know, the singing is kinda weird, but we're just going to have to get used to it. This is our home now."

"But that's just it: I don't want this to be our home; MY home."

Hiccup didn't know what to do about Jack's attitude. His was pretty sure Jack was still mad about him keeping his secret from him. But he couldn't tell him; it could ruin their friendship. He would rather have Jack be mad at him with keeping a secret than mad at him for what he had done.

Elsa and Jack had their dorms in the same section of the school, so Elsa, Gogo, Jack, and Hiccup left around the same time, but didn't notice each other. When they got into the auditorium, Elsa and Gogo sat down in the middle; Jack and Hiccup sat right behind them.


Gogo and I sat down in the middle of the auditorium once we were able to get in. I saw out of the corner of my eye two kinda cute looking guys around my age sit down right behind us. I started blushing, but I didn't really know why. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Mr. Mickey on the microphone.

"Good afternoon students! I hope that our new transfers are getting settled in all right-"

One of the guys behind me let out a big groan. What was his problem? Mr. Mickey continued.

"I hope you're all looking forward to your new classes tomorrow, because each class you are signed up for will be accustomed to your special abilities, so you'll have classes with students with similar abilities as you-"

The same guy groaned again, this time even louder. He was being kinda rude, so I turned around and whisper-yelled at him.

"Hey, what's your problem? Can't you see that some people are actually trying to listen?"

He didn't answer right away, but when he did, it was like I was the one bothering him.

"Well, if you got a problem with my bodily noises, why don't you just move your two inch ass somewhere else?"

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