Chapter 6

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I've never heard a story based on someone's life that was so awesome! Hiccup has to be the coolest person I've ever met, even with that super embarrassing name. He was still telling me the story on how he met his dragon, Toothless, and about their amazing adventures. Hiccup was about to get to the part on how he almost died in a huge ball of fire when I interrupted him for like millionth time.

"So, let me get this straight: You and Toothless won a battle to the death against an enormous dragon 100 times larger than your own dragon by setting it on fire?"

At this point, Hiccup was getting very annoyed that I kept interrupting him, but he huffed and corrected me.

"It was WAY more complicated than that. Toothless shock holes in the enormous dragon's wings, it caught on fire while plummeting towards the ground, and died on impact."

"Ooh, OK. And the wicked metal leg?"

"Well, my real leg was probably so badly burned and injured that they 'removed' it and gave me this baby. To this day, no one will tell me for sure if they actually removed it or how bad my leg was before."

Dang. He had it almost as bad as I did.

"Well, I'm sorry about your leg, and your dad. I wouldn't know how it feels to lose the people you love, but I'm sure it must be awful."

"Thanks, Jack. It's nice to talk about my personal life with someone who understands what I'm going through."

That made me smile. :)

"So, what about you, Jack? What's your story?"

I froze. I've never been asked to tell my story. What if Hiccup thinks I'm a complete weirdo? What if he doesn't believe me? I pondered on telling him the truth for a few seconds when I finally made up my mind.

"OK. You want to hear my story? Then, you have to believe that everything I say is true, no matter how weird or impossible it may sound. Got it?"

Hiccup nodded with some doubt and much curiosity, but nodded yes. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"OK, here it goes. Darkness, that's the first thing I remembered. It was dark, it was cold, and I was scared. But then, then I saw the moon. It was so big and so bright; it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did, I wasn't scared anymore. But, why I was here and what I was meant to do, that I've never known. And, apart of me wonders if I ever will. My name is Jack Frost. How do I know that? The moon told me so, but that's all he's ever told me. And that was a long, long time ago." (Cue ROTG theme music! I'm sorry, but this just HAD to be done. And yes, this is all from my memory of watching ROTG like 3 times a week. :))

Hiccup just looked at me like I just spoke something in Latin.

"Yeah, OK. That was a great story and all, but how does that tell me ANYTHING about you? And why was the story so cryptic anyway? Who is this story even about?!"

Hearing him say this, with much agitation in his voice, made my hope meter go way down. But I wasn't willing to give up that easily.

"Hiccup, that story is my story. I'll explain, just bear with me."

He gave me a nod and I continued.

"You see, I was lifted up out of a freezing pond with no idea what was happening or how I got there in the first place. It was like I was floating, which I was! But, with all of this stuff happening to me at once, I felt scared and realized I was alone. But when I looked at the sky and saw the moon, I wasn't scared anymore. I also realized that it was the moon who was doing all of this. He lowered me down on the frozen pond and told my name was Jack Frost. He left me before I could ask anymore questions, so-"

"Hold on, Jack. Why are you making it sound like the moon is a person? The moon is just a ginormous space boulder that orbits the earth. It can't talk or lift people out of frozen ponds!"

"Can you just let me finish without interrupting me?! I didn't do this to you when you were telling your story!"

"......OK Jack, whatever. Please, continue."

I told Hiccup about how I discovered I could magically zap frost and snow out of my awesome staff I found and how I could fly. I also told him how that only people who believe in me could see, hear, or feel me. He seemed pretty interested in that, but then something occurred to me.

"Hang on a sec. If only people who believe in me can see me, how can you see me???"

Hiccup suddenly had an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Well, where I live, it snows pretty much year round. I've always believed it was something out of the ordinary, something.....magical. So, I did some research and come along a book full of legends. One of them was the legend of Jack Frost, the Winter Spirit. From that moment on, I believed in you ever since. That's why I was so shocked to see you, and that's why I wanted to know your story."

I couldn't help but shed a little tear of joy. SOMEONE ACTUALLY BELIEVED IN ME AND HE WAS MY ROOMMATE FOR A WHOLE YEAR!!! I hovered over towards Hiccup and gave him a hug. A manly bro hug, just to make it clear.

"Thank you, Hiccup. You're the first person to believe in me."

He smiled and said,

"I'm glad I could help."

There was an awkward silence for a short while when finally Hiccup cleared the air.

"So, do you want to go get something to eat? Dinner will be over soon, but if we hurry, we might be able to snag something before the food's all gone."

Whoa, have we really been hanging-out all afternoon just talking and telling stories?!

"Dinner sounds like a great idea. I bet you I can beat you to the dinning hall!"

"You're on!"

Whoa! This was a long chapter. I didn't expect it to be this long; guess i just got carried away. :) So Hiccup believed in Jack all along and Jack is happy! Yay! I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter AND that you got an other update the day after you got an update. I'm actually kinda tired, cuz where I live it's almost 3:00 in the morning, so....yeah. Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and share! :-)

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