Chapter 13

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I couldn't believe what he tried to do! Who does he think he is? Here I thought that he wanted me there for genuine reasons and all of a sudden, his lips are only an inch away from mine! UGH! I knew I shouldn't have come.

I was walking back to my dorm. Then I started thinking, did I over react? Shouldn't I have taken Jack's gesture a compliment? I guess I'm just not used getting attention from an attractive guy before. Wait, what? Oh no, Jack! He was being so nice to me and I slapped him in the face! He'll probably never talk to me again, but I wouldn't blame him. I rebuffed his affections when he clearly did nothing wrong. And, did I call myself a ho?

I got back to my room and opened the door as quietly has I could, so I wouldn't wake up Gogo. But in my efforts to be sneaky backfired because Gogo wasn't asleep and she saw me come in slowly, which probably made her more suspicious than she already was.

"So...where have you been?"

"I told you I was tutoring a guy from my class. That's where I've been."

I shouldn't have said "guy". She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, so it was like that, huh?"

I started blushing bright red. Did Gogo really think I was the kind of person to have a one night stand with a guy I just met?

"Gogo, it wasn't like that. We just started talking and it turns out, we have a lot in common. We just lost track of time. Trust me, nothing happened."

She raised her eyebrow at me for a while and gave me that "I don't entirely believe you" face.

"OK...Whatever you say..."

"UGH! Fine, don't believe me. But I just want to let you know that I wouldn't lie OR keep secrets from you", I said as I made my way to my bed. I just wanted this day to be over.

The next morning

I've never gotten dressed this quickly before in my entire life. As soon as my alarm went off, I was out of my bed and started getting my clothes on. I even forgot to put on my make-up! I wanted to get to the cafeteria to talk to Jack about....last night. I just wanted to make things clear; to explain some things.

I rushed into the cafeteria and looked around until I saw him. He was sitting next to some other guy, probably his roommate or something. I ran over to their table and saw that Jack looked pretty surprised to see me.

"Heyyy Jack."

"Hey Elsa", he said without looking at me.

I saw the other guy with Jack look back and forth at us with wide eyes.

"Well, I have to, uh...go over there for a sec. It's really important. See ya, Jack."

"Yeah, see ya."

There was a moment of that super awkward silence until Jack broke it.

"Why are you here?", he said with much coldness. (No pun intended)

"I just wanted say I'm sorry about last night. I over reacted and-"

"No, you don't need to apologize. You've made how you feel about me quite clear." *chuckles* "And that you're a ho."

I couldn't help but chuckle on the inside, but I knew this wasn't going how I thought it would.

"But Jack, that's not how I feel. To be honest, I really don't know how I feel. I'm flattered that you wanted to kiss me, but-"

"I get it! You didn't want me to kiss you. You don't have to rub that in my face, too", he said while blushing madly.

I really wish he would stop interrupting me.

"Jack, if you would just let me finish, you would know that I rejected your kiss because I've never been kissed before!"

He looked at me with a high amount of shock, and then with guilt.

"Elsa, I'm sorry. I didn't know that."

"Well, know you do. I was just nervous being there, with you already and I saw you leaning in and I just panicked! I didn't mean to hurt you. Oh, you probably think I'm some bitch who what's nothing to do with you", I said while putting my face in my hands and tried not to cry.

"No I don't. Well, I did, but not anymore. I thought that I was the one who did something wrong and acted too soon. You weren't ready and I'm sorry."

For a guy who acts all tough all time, Jack can be very sweet. I guess all it took was for someone to be sweet back.

"Well...I guess I can forgive you", I said sarcastically. Jack just rolled his eyes.

"So, does this mean you'll still be my tutor?"

"I thought you didn't want one."

"I don't, but you're pretty good with your ice powers and there's a couple of things I want you to teach me."

I could feel my face burning from it blushing so hard. I will never get use to Jack giving me compliments.

"Alright, I'll still be your tutor. But you have to do everything I say."

"Mmmm, I don't know. I have a little trouble following the rules. We'll see", he said with a smirk.

"OK then, I guess I'll see you again tomorrow."

"Cool. See ya tomorrow!", he yelled as he flew away I guess to find his friend.

I let out a dreamy sigh and went to find Anna and Rapunzel. I saw both of them sitting at a small square table only meant for two. I walked over to their table to find Anna looking very disheveled. She looked like she hadn't slept for days.

"Anna, are you alright? You look really tired."

She raised her head up at me and started sobbing. Rapunzel just looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Anna, what's wrong? Why are you crying?!"

Anna sniffled and wiped away tears. She was shaking her head, but Rapuzel just looked at her and Anna gave her a nod.

"Oh Elsa, the most awful thing happened to me last night!"

To be continued...DUN DUN DUNNNN

So how was it? Did you like it? PLEASE TELL ME!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. Anyway, so Jack and Elsa have forgiven each other and are happily flirting. *SQUEALS* And what happened to Anna??? I'll never tell you...not until the next chapter! You'll never get spoilers out of me! NEVER!!! And starting right now, this will be my fangirling emoji: (V) (;,,;) (V). It's the best I could do since there is no fangirling emoji, yet. OMG this A/N is really long, so thanks for reading, blah blah blah, hope you liked it and BYE. :-)

Beware the Frozen Heart (Jelsa AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें