Chapter 18

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"I'm not suggesting we pursue individual vagrants. Locate communities that have isolated themselves from society."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Aran turned to Chamberlain Brenner, who had quietly approached. Brenner inclined his head and spoke.

"Your Majesty, the artist has arrived."

The Emperor nodded and stood.

"You may withdraw."

"I shall, Your Majesty."

As Count Bertie exited, a thought crossed his mind.

'An artist?'

He speculated whether the Emperor planned to commission a portrait.

If so, it would undoubtedly draw significant attention.

It would mark the first time in the history of the imperial family that a portrait was commissioned.

The Empire had never before depicted its Emperor in a portrait.

Not a single time.


In a dimly lit house, a man paused in the act of pulling up a rug from the floor as a knock sounded at the door.

He swiftly covered the rug once more and rearranged the table and chairs atop it before answering the door.

Upon opening it, he found a middle-aged woman standing before him.

"Oh, my apologies. I hope I haven't disturbed your rest."

"No, I'm still awake. Is there a patient in need of my services?"

Dr. Gilly was the sole physician in this small town.

"No, there's no patient, but you helped Tom with his stomachache, and I wanted to thank you by offering these eggs. I didn't even pay for the medicine."

Gilly graciously accepted the bag of eggs with a warm smile.

"Thank you kindly. I'll put these to good use."

Once inside the house, Gilly closed the door behind him and waited until the house was quiet.

He then moved the table and chairs aside and lifted the rug, revealing a door beneath.

Opening the door, Gilly descended a staircase to a hidden chamber. Seating himself at a desk, he lit a candle and picked up a dagger nearby.

Holding the tip of the dagger to the flame, he opened a desk drawer, retrieved a book, pricked his finger with the dagger, and allowed a drop of blood to fall onto the cover.

A faint light traced a geometric pattern on the cover before fading away.

Gilly cracked open the book, pen poised to write.

-Master. The person I told you about last time, the one who went up to the Temple of Herm, always came to town during the day to ask about this and that.

He maintained regular updates when nothing noteworthy occurred, but promptly reported any events.

However, his scribblings blurred into nothingness after a mere sentence.

-They were knights from the royal court, inquiring about Marku, and one of them...

A creak interrupted him as the door above the ceiling swung open.

Before Gilly could react, a knight descended, swiftly overpowering him.

"Target secured!"

The knight exclaimed, glancing upwards.

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