Chapter 9

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"I have urgent matters elsewhere, and I'm uncertain when I'll return to the Kingdom of Lehen, so I made a quick stop."

In the early days of the Siuta Forest, warlocks from the New World crossed into the Old World.

Diete regularly journeyed to the New World in pursuit of these warlocks.

Her efforts had yet to bear fruit, but this time she had obtained conclusive evidence.

Her mind raced with plans to visit the Temple of Herm, where Priest Marku resided, and scrutinize those in his vicinity.

She had been on the verge of leaving the Lehen capital immediately, but a promise made to Frea compelled her to visit the temple.

Throughout her travels to the New World, Diete had encountered numerous individuals.

Yet none had held a place in her heart quite like Frea.

A lingering sense of importance surrounded Frea.

"I regret to inform you that time is of the essence."

"No need to apologize, Chief. I'm simply grateful for your presence."

"You said you were curious about magic, but I'm afraid we won't be able to talk about it in depth due to time constraints."

Frea had a million questions.

She thought about the right question to ask, then said.

"You mentioned that magic is a power of the New World. Does that imply individuals from the Old World cannot wield magic?"

"Oh, no, that's not what I meant. Do you recall my explanation about invisible magic?"


"Magic is the ability to utilize magic. Everyone possesses magic, it's simply invisible. If you can't see it, how can you be aware of its presence? However, in the New World, there exists a substance that enables one to perceive it. Once you can sense it, you can begin to learn."

"Chief, you've frequented the New World, but have any of the individuals you encountered attempted to learn magic?"

Diete pondered for a moment before responding.

"They are indeed learning. There are numerous students from the New World actively engaging in the pursuit of magic."

Frea's eyes widened in astonishment; the notion hadn't occurred to her.

"Interest in magic varies from nation to nation, and some actively send students."

"Ah. So that's why."

Frea realized why the Templar's attitude toward Diete had been so extreme.

Unbeknownst to most ordinary people, behind the scenes, a battle for supremacy was already raging among the kingdoms for the new power of magic.

'Perhaps she is an important person, playing a key role.'

"Very few people here know about the New World or magic right now, Frea, but soon the first graduates will return to the Old World, and they will be the first generation of wizards to work in the Old World. In a few more years, your world will be different."


The imperial castle was always quiet.

Even though many people were busy walking around all day, faithful to their duties, there was still silence somewhere.

This is because there were no variables.

Their only superior, the sole owner of the imperial palace, had a monotonous life.

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