Chapter 12

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「You are in a very favorable position right now, and they can't touch you. You're invincible now, and you have the princess behind you. 」

Frea felt a pang of regret as she recalled the Countess's guidance.

'If only I had met her sooner. I could have learned so much more from her.'

For the first time, she encountered an adult she admired.

The Countess carried herself with noble grace.

She didn't look down on Frea for being a commoner.

Her words were always sincere, her expressions transparent.

Most importantly, she possessed a sharp insight into the world.

From a young age, Frea viewed the world with a wide lens.

With her special abilities and sharp memory, she was filled with confidence.

She never considered adults to be wiser than children.

Under the Countess's tutelage, she confronted her own arrogance.

She realized that compared to the insights of an adult who had interacted with countless individuals and gained years of experience, she was still a child.


Frea went down to the kitchen.

When she opened the door, a middle-aged woman immediately recognized her.

"Come on in. Take this."

She handed her a basket full of sweets.

"Thank you again."

"No problem. These are leftovers from yesterday, and I can't even use them today."

The kitchen worked all day to make treats for the constant stream of guests.

It would be embarrassing for the princess if she ran out of treats, so she made far more than she needed, and there were plenty of leftovers.

As Frea accepted the basket, she slipped a coin into the lady's hand.

"What a treat."

"You're taking care of me, and I'm taking care of you."

The middle-aged woman quickly took the coin with a deft touch.

It was natural as if she did it often.

Frea took the basket and went to the outbuilding that had been her former home.

It was housing for the commoners who worked in the castle.

"I'm home."

"Oh, Frea, why do I seem to see you more often since you went to the Princess's palace?"

"I'm not complaining, I'm just glad to see you."

"It's a shame you say that because I grew up living here."

Frea chatted with her acquaintances and shared some sweets.

"I'll be leaving soon, and I can't help feeling sad."

"Still, I think it's much better for you to be the princess's maid than to be a priest."

"That's what I think, too. Go see lots of good things, eat lots of delicious things, and take care of yourself."

The middle-aged woman grabbed Frea as she rose from her seat.

"Frea. My distant relative, the grandmother I mentioned last time."

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