Chapter 23

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When she thought about it, even when she took a nap in the library, she was still there when she woke up.

She didn't usually nap, and when she did, it was only for a short time.

So she concluded that while she was there, it had some influence on reality.

Frea decided that she should only come when she was free and had nothing important to do.

This man was not a consideration in that decision.

Because he never thought about waiting.

"I thought it would be easier for you if I only came occasionally."


"It disturbs your sleep and...."

"I don't mind, but if that's the case, why don't you come during the day?"

"I'm not comfortable in the daytime."

"But you came during the day?"

"I took a nap then."

"Come during the day and come at night. "

"Hey, I have a life of my own."

Aran's gaze dropped downward.

Her movements had been bothering him for a while.

One of her feet rested atop the other, chilled by the coldness of the stone floor.

Switching feet intermittently, she sought warmth by pressing her foot against her instep.

He said, locking eyes with the wide-eyed Frea.

"Excuse me for a moment."

She panicked as he suddenly leaned down and picked her up.

With her in his arms, he started walking.

There was a door in the bedroom wall on the opposite side, not visible from the balcony.

It stood open.

Stepping through the door into the parlor, Frea felt the temperature change, becoming warmer.

Aran set her down on the couch and took a seat beside her.

His arms draped over the back of the couch, he positioned himself to face her at an angle.

"Nightly, then. Every night."

Frea regarded him with narrowed eyes.

'He speaks so casually; it's easy to misinterpret.'

Of course, Frea hadn't misinterpreted.

The nobles she'd observed trailing Princess Emily often spoke with an air of deeper significance than they truly intended.

"I told you, I have my own life."

"Tell me about it."


"What was that daily life like that was so tiring that you wouldn't come for a while?"

"Rather than saying it was exhausting..."

Frea muttered with a shudder.

'I must listen,' she thought, looking at the man with intense eyes.

'This guy... is a bit persistent.'

"I've been busy, I had a wedding."

"....of whom?"

"Not family.. but someone who I think of like family."

Aran's eyes softened for a moment.

"Why be busy with someone else's wedding?"

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