Chapter 21

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Frea offered only a slight smile in response.

"Lady Ante, if you ever find yourself in need of assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. I maintain a small residence in the capital under my name. Should you require aid, feel free to contact me there, and I'll do everything within my power to assist you."

"Thank you for your generous offer, Count. I'll certainly keep it in mind should the need arise."

As he turned away, leaving her with his courteous offer, Frea couldn't help but wonder, 'What was that all about?'

'What's his deal?'

It all seemed a bit too friendly.

And the golden aura surrounding him was rather unsettling.

His attire had been notably devoid of color until last night, when he approached her after dinner.

She couldn't discern what had changed overnight.

Frea remained wary.


Frea scratched her head, grappling with the fuzzy recollection of her morning walk.

'Perhaps I'm just not fully awake yet.'

Peter watched her receding back until she was out of sight.

He felt a twinge of regret.

'That's weird.'

He wondered if he had a crush on her.

But she wasn't his type of beauty, and she wasn't in his class.

He was proud.

And he had never been swayed by any beauty.

It came as a shock to him to realize that he hadn't been able to contain himself for a moment.

The trees in the small forest shook.

In a voice no one else could hear, they lamented.

-He had missed an opportunity that may never come again.

-His consciousness as a human is too strong. A powerful seal.

-He was born in a human body, so he can't help it.


The distance from Archduke Adwig's castle to Ost's castle was a few hours at the speed of a carriage.

During the ride to the castle, Emily was in high spirits.

Ellie and Rachel were excited and chattering excitedly because Emily seemed to be in such a good mood.

Frea knew why.

Emily was thrilled to have embarrassed the Archduke.

Emily giggled as she whispered to Frea.

「I poured thirty bottles of exquisite wine into the tub. Count Adwig must have suffered from a stomach ache all night, and the poor servant who brought me the wine was dismissed. Isn't it dreadful to vent frustration on a servant when you sanctioned their actions?」

The words struck Frea as odd.

The Count she'd met on her morning walk hadn't seemed so angry.

'Why did he say that to me?'

If he was angry with Emily, he must have felt badly for her handmaidens.

'He's planning to do something that will drive a wedge. I'd better be careful.'

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