Chapter 4

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Frea held the ring in her hand and offered a silent prayer for the departed soul.

'Did you appear seeking aid? I'll do my best to explore this ring as a potential lead.'

As she sought a path back to her companions, Frea stood still and gradually scanned her surroundings.

'Is it that way... or perhaps that way?'

Two distinct sensations tugged at her awareness, pulling her in different directions.

After a moment of hesitation, she chose a direction and began walking. Somehow, it felt like the right way to go.



Aran gazed at the sword in his grasp.

The keen blade could effortlessly cut through anything, yet it proved ineffective against the woman before him.

Her skin seemed merely human.

'I can't end her life.'

Numerous nocturnal visitors had infiltrated his bedroom over the years.

Until now, their intentions and senders remained a mystery.

Aran, preferring ignorance, silenced them all, knowing the dead keep no secrets.

However, this mysterious intruder, appearing and vanishing, defied all his expectations.

Witnessing it twice ruled out illusions.

As he pressed his sword against her throat, an unusual sensation washed over him.

It felt like an unseen force tearing at him, and oddly, he didn't resent this intrusion.

'Who are you?'

Handling intruders was his peculiar pastime, yet now, he found himself questioning the woman's true identity.


When Frea noticed the light, she felt relief and hurried toward it, anticipating a campfire.

'This isn't a pilgrim's fire.'

She hesitated as the light drew near.

Firstly, this wasn't a sacred site; the sky was absent, and pilgrims were careful not to disturb the forest, clearing debris before lighting fires.

The one responsible for the roaring bonfire atop the piled leaves wasn't part of Frea's group.

Initial annoyance gave way to discomfort.

Something about the fire seemed amiss.

Its constant shape, burning large but without leaping or spreading, puzzled her.

Approaching cautiously, she got close enough to touch it.

'What is this...?'

The fire hovered slightly above the ground, burning alone.


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