Chapter 19

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Frea was in her bedroom when she was called by Emily.

Emily took Frea out onto the balcony with her and said.

"I want you to keep an eye on the other two. They're mesmerized by Count Adwig."

The Archduke's son, Count Peter Adwig, was a devotedly handsome young man.

Frea had seen the twinkle in Ellie and Rachel's eyes as they watched him, and she laughed.

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure they'll be able to discern that much."

"The Archduke was the one who most opposed and hindered this marriage, so I don't see why he pretends to welcome it anew."

Emily's heart was troubled at the thought of leaving her homeland and living in a strange land for the rest of her life.

Her nervousness reached its peak when, before she could prepare herself, she met the people her brother had told her to watch out for.

"Your Highness. I think they're trying to get to know you and win your favor at the same time."

"My favor? Why?"

"Well, you're married anyway, so maybe the next move is to create a rift between the two of you?"

Emily thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes. You're right."

Emily was a beautiful girl, but she was no princess who knew nothing.

She had been a socialite in Lehen, though the sudden change of scenery had narrowed her vision for a moment.

"So what do you think I should do?"

"You can be a fickle princess who knows nothing."

"I guess I can just have fun all day like the Archduke's residence does."

"Yes. Don't overthink it."

They looked at each other and laughed.

Emily knew how she was, when she was angry, she could see and hear nothing.

But oddly enough, when Frea spoke, her words were music to her ears.

"Act like you don't know what you're talking about, and make unreasonable demands."

"Like what?"

"Preferably something you didn't get to do when you were in Lehen, like, um... How about a wine bath?"

Emily's eyes widened and she burst out laughing.



"Yes, Count. I was preparing her bath, and she requested wine, so I sent her three bottles. She insisted they weren't sufficient and asked for our finest selection."

"Grant her request."

Peter smirked.

It was quite an extravagant demand for a newlywed.

'I heard that the princess of Lehen was raised by the king and was spoiled and had an unusual personality.'

The Archduke's estate boasted the largest wine cellar in the country, stocked with the highest quality wines.

Being a princess, she must have discerning taste.

Peter couldn't help but imagine the princess's astonishment upon seeing the array of wines.

'At most, she'll open a dozen bottles and pour a glass or two.'

"Ensure she stays out of trouble. Familiarize the staff with her preferences and dislikes."

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