Chapter 5

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I have found no trace of any magic tools, Your Majesty.

The wizard who had rushed to the Emperor's summons reported after scouring the bedroom.

The Emperor gazed at the sky, his eyes tinged with red.

A distant speck caught his attention, and he watched it intently.

He hadn't harbored high expectations to begin with.

If there were any magical artifacts, his powers would have detected them.

Nevertheless, he called out, mindful of Diete's remarks regarding recent technological advancements.

He was lost in thought, his eyes following the circling dot in the sky.

'Will she come again?'

He lifted the bow he held and aimed at the dot.

If she comes again...

A strange light flashed in his narrowing red eyes.

He let go of the taut string.

An arrow flew toward the dot in the sky.

With as much destructive power as speed, the arrow pierced the bird's head, which looked as small as the dot.

By the time the falling bird hit the ground, it was about the size of a junta.

As it fell, it made a loud crash and kicked up a cloud of dust.

Servants rushed to the crash site with long poles.

The beast on the ground resembled a monster, a mixture of avian and reptilian traits.

Its name was the yellow-eyed jay.

With its massive claws, it snatched up livestock, sometimes even children.

It flew so high that it was difficult to kill.

The servants poked at its body with sticks.

Only when they were sure it was dead did they reach over and pull out the arrow.

They gathered up the arrow and shuddered at the sight of the dead monster.

'One arrow.'

They were reminded of the fearsome nature of their master.

"Your Majesty!"

A booming voice called out.

The servants looked at each other and shrugged.

They knew who the voice belonged to.

Returning to their positions, the servants saw who they expected.

A large, gray-haired man was talking boisterously.

"Your Majesty, I've received word of yet another intrusion during the night—an utterly disgraceful occurrence! I've urged you repeatedly; we must establish a new guard division. With your permission, I vow to lead it, ensuring not a single vermin dares approach your palace!"

The emperor's response was curt.

"Save your breath."

"Your Majesty, please reconsider. Ah, I see you were out hunting, and your spirit was interrupted, so I'll keep watch over you."

The emperor fixed his gaze on his steadfast yet vexing subordinate.

As the fervor in his eyes dwindled, he discarded his bow and pivoted away.

"Your Majesty, where do you intend to go? I shall serve your resolve faithfully."

"If you follow me, I will kill you."

The Guardian of The Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें