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I THOUGHT IT would be harder to press send on the email that would undoubtedly change my entire life, but surprisingly, I didn't think twice about it

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I THOUGHT IT would be harder to press send on the email that would undoubtedly change my entire life, but surprisingly, I didn't think twice about it.

I'd known for a while that I wouldn't make it through this assignment and still have my job intact by the end of it. At least this way, I was walking away on my own terms. Sure, I was burning bridges—bridges that would have provided me with references and recommendations to get a new job. But if the Warriors fired me, those bridges would have crumbled anyway.

I kept my resignation brief and to the point.

I would not be able to complete the project as assigned, and therefore, I was resigning from my position.

I would not be able to truthfully report the story behind August Fletcher's retirement while maintaining the Warriors' image, and therefore, I was resigning.

I had no desire to work for an organization that uses media to manipulate the public at their players' expense, and therefore, I was resigning.

August didn't try to convince me not to go back to New York once he understood the reasoning behind it, but I decided this was better—resigning this way.

After everything we promised and confessed this morning, August and I were wandering into new territory with our relationship, and the last thing I wanted to do was leave. He was more important to me than getting to see the look on Parker's face when I told him I was out.

As far as my apartment, I wasn't sure what to do yet, so going back now would be pointless. I needed to give this relationship time before I did anything rash. That was the smart thing to do. That was what I kept telling myself. Because if I didn't keep telling myself to be reasonable, I'd give into August's offer. I'd give into the temptation of throwing myself completely into him, into being with him.

It was really hard not to do that. Especially considering the way August was leaning in the bedroom doorway on the boat, his smokey eyes trailing over me. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and my resolve to be reasonable about our situation was slowly melting away.

God, everything about him was just so unbelievably sexy. From the way he looked to the way he cared about others. Especially the way he cared about me, how he'd begged me to let him take care of me before taking care of me in just the way I'd wanted.

"This might be one of the hottest things I've ever seen," he murmured before taking a sip of water. His gaze stayed steady on me above the rim of the glass, and I felt myself flush as I snapped my computer shut.

A nervous giggle slipped out of me, and August reached behind him to put the glass down before taking two quick strides into the bedroom. He climbed onto the bed, crawling over me, letting his lips trail and nip my bare skin where he could find it. I shivered from his touch.

"Did you just resign from your job while sitting here naked in my bed?" he husked, pulling back to look down at me, our gazes meeting. I nodded, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth because I couldn't quite believe I had done that. That I'd really quit. That after two rounds of mindblowing sex and August's life-altering promises, I'd immediately pulled out my laptop and formulated my resignation.

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