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AUGUST DIDN'T WASTE any time, but I didn't mind

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AUGUST DIDN'T WASTE any time, but I didn't mind.

I loved watching his reaction, his unrestrained desire, the way he could barely contain how he felt about what I'd written.

I'd been slightly worried about it. Worried he might be upset simply because he hated being put in the public eye. The last thing I wanted was to use him for my own gain, to force him even further into the spotlight. But I needed people to know the truth—about him and about us.

Because there was still going to be an us. And I needed him to know that.

I wasn't going anywhere. For as long as he let me stay, I'd be here.

And based on the way he was acting right now, he wasn't in a hurry to get rid of me.

"God, you should see how wet you are for me, Castle."

I was already bent over the pool table, exposed for him. Aching for him. Just the sound of his voice made me clench my thighs together, needing some kind of friction.

But then August pushed them apart again so he could drag his finger between my legs as if to test if what he saw was true. And fuck, it was true. I squirmed beneath his touch and the way it lit something up inside me.

"If I'd known it turns you on this much to get bent over a pool table, I would have done it much sooner," he breathed, sounding both amused and awed.

I shook my head. "It's not the pool table. It's just you."

Just him. August fucking Fletcher.

God, he was unbelievable.

And today, I'd told the whole world that he was mine.

"Fuck, baby," he groaned. "You have no idea what it does to me when you say shit like that."

His touch vanished, and I heard rustling behind me, followed by a zipper. My breathing grew heavier by the second with anticipation. I wasn't sure I'd ever wanted him to touch me as much as I did right now.

His hands made their way to my hips first, gripping them hard as he tugged me back. I gasped, feeling his length press against my ass. And then it slid between my legs as he readjusted, teasing me as he dragged his tip through my arousal. It brushed against my clit, and I sighed as pleasure tingled through my veins. 

August groaned his approval, and I felt that groan everywhere.

"You feel so fucking good, and I'm not even inside you yet."

"You could be inside me already," I panted, feeling like I was on the verge of exploding with how badly I wanted to feel him like that. 

"God, Castle." His rough chuckle sent a shiver through me. "I want to be inside you so fucking badly, but I'm trying to savor it. Savor you. This moment."

In the August HeatKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat