Chapter 27

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"Excuse me miss, I know you're not getting paid right now but I have a situation. My daughter's seat is stuck reclined, and I thought maybe for the sake of the person behind her we could see if we could try and fix them before the flight."

Annabelle said as she flagged down a flight attendant, the guy behind them nodded.

"I'll see what we can do."

The flight attendant said before she went off to find someone to help.

"Charlie, can you pause tinker bell for a minute. We're going to go to the bathroom, so the people can see if they can fix your chair."

Annabelle told her daughter, pulling the headphones off her daughter, who nodded. They shimmied out and down the walkway to get to the toilet. As they walked out of the bathroom Annabelle noticed two women with their phones pointed at them.

"Are you recording us?"

Annabelle asked, picking up her daughter, the two women looked at each other before they shook their heads but didn't lower their phones.

"You are."

Annabelle said, hiding Charlie's face,

"Can you please stop recording me and my daughter?"

Annabelle asked politely, the two women looked at each other shocked.

"Did you say daughter? Does Taylor know about her? I bet she doesn't."

One of the women said, Annabelle rolled her eyes, and went to walk off but her exit was blocked by the other woman.

"Answer her question."

The woman who blocked told Annabelle, who raised her eyebrows shocked.

"Move please."

Annabelle told the woman who didn't budge, Annabelle quietly grabbing the attention of one of the flight attendants.

"I'm not going to answer your questions, I don't need to and I won't, now move."

Annabelle said in a more serious voice, Charlie lifting her head to see what's going on.

"What's going on mama?"

Charlie asked Annabelle, who stroked the girl's head,

"Nothing these lovely ladies were just about to let us through."

Annabelle said as the flight attendant reached them tapped the woman blocking Annabelle's path.

"Excuse me ma'am but I'm going to have to ask you to stop videoing Miss Kelce or I'm going to have to have you removed."

The flight attendant told the women, Annabelle smiled grateful at the flight attendant.

"This is an infraction on our rights-"

"Actually no it isn't but thank you for your input ladies."

Annabelle cut one of them off before she walked away, the flight attendant following her.

"You alright ma'am? We fixed your daughter's seat, is there anything else we can do for you?"

The flight attendant asked, Annabelle smiled as she shook her head, putting Charlie down so they could get seated again. All Annabelle could think about the whole flight was How Taylor was right, they should have taken Taylor's jet. Annabelle was most worried that if that video got out if he saw it what he would do.


"Hey Annie I'm assuming you are calling to tell me you guys arrived safely."

Taylor said as she answered the phone, met with a distraught Annabelle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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