Chapter 19

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(Okay so I changed my mind your last chapter of piece was the one before this, so apologies)

There were a few weeks of bliss with Taylor going to more games with Annabelle and Annabelle going to one of the South American shows. Annabelle had to go back to work rather than staying with the blonde, she was soon going to regret going into work that day.

"Don't forget we are talking about your former stand up career when I get back. That is non negotiable despite your brother's game."

Taylor told Annabelle as she dropped her off at the airport, Annabelle had refused to let Taylor fly her back in the private jet so they had to use disguises.

"I know babe, I really don't know what else you want to know about but sure."

Annabelle said before giving Taylor a quick kiss, and with that the two were separated again.


"Avery, take this little-"

Before Annabelle finished the building collapsed, Annabelle hearing her friend scream before her vision faded to black.

"Annabelle, Luke."

Were the last words she heard before she passed out.


"Hmm, I wonder why she isn't answering, she's supposed to be off shift."

Taylor said not to panicked as they were almost back in LA, they were meeting the brunette there. Her dad was reading something about a building collapse in Pittsburg that caused the man to gasp.

"Taylor, honey, we might want to head to Pittsburg."

Taylor's dad spoke up which caused Taylor to look at him confused, handing the phone to his daughter who gasped dropping the phone tears starting down her face.

"I can't lose her dad."

Taylor sobbed as someone told the pilots they needed to go to Pittsburg instead.

No ones

"It looks like Kelce's cheer squad is missing today, I would why that is?"

One of the commentators said as Travis appeared to be taking a phone call looking very distressed as he did. Another one of the commentators going sheet white as he got the news as to why.

"Oh my god. Poor Travis."

The commentator who originally spoke as he also read the news, as Travis seemed to be in tears as he talked to big red.

"Okay, for those who haven't seen the news, Travis's twin sister Annabelle is currently in critical condition after a building collapse after a fire in Pittsburgh. And it looks like big red has excused Travis from the game, as he should."

Another one of the commentators spoke up, as the camera showed Travis throwing off his helmet as he ran into the change room.

"As this game goes ahead our thoughts go out to the Kelce family and we all hope she makes a full recovery."

One of the final commentators said as they got back to the game.


"What do you mean I can't see her?! Let me through I'm her girlfriend!"

Taylor screamed at one of the nurses as she tried to go see her girlfriend who was lying in a hospital bed dying.

"I'm sorry ma'am it's only immediate family at the moment."

The nurse said trying to reason with Taylor who was in tears,

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