Chapter 4

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"What do you mean you have a date with Annabelle Kelce?"

Tree asked as they sat on the couch in Taylor's dressing room, rubbing her forehead thinking of how wrong could this could go.

"I have a date with her for the 10th, you don't have to worry Tree, she said it would be best to stay in to avoid the paparazzi."

Taylor told tree who let out a little bit of a relieved sigh when she heard that the Kelce woman had taken into consideration the paparazzi.

"That's right after your last America show."

Tree stated, as if Taylor was unaware of the fact that she had a show the night before.

"I'm aware, but that does remind me that I need to book a hotel room in Pittsburgh for that night and 1 or 2 days after."

Taylor said as tree looked stunned at the woman, while Andrea chuckled.

"Fine Taylor, but you better behave and not get caught or I might just kill you."

Tree groaned as she got up to go sort that out, Andrea and Taylor moving to return to the house that they had rented for their time in Santa Clara.


"Can I ask honey, what do you see in this Annabelle?"

Andrea asked as they entered the house, after her daughter had heart eyes as she scrolled through the woman's Insta.

"She's pretty and nice."

Taylor smiled not realising how shallow it made her sound, her mother chuckled.

"Is that really all you see in her?"

Andrea asked as her daughter skipped over to the couch flicking the tv on to watch more of the Kelce family podcast.

"No she seems sweet and she has such a great relationship with her family. Watch and you'll see."

Taylor said as she ushered her mother to sit and watch the podcast with her. Andrea chuckled as she moved to sit next to her daughter on the couch as the episode of new heights started to play.


Taylor woke up to a good morning message from the Kelce woman which caused her to smile.

Annabelle Kelce
Good morning, might not be answering as much today, on shift but the firehouse will be watching the livestream from the firehouse with the guys

Taylor laughed at the message but soon found herself confused if Annabelle was forcing her firehouse to watch the livestream with her.

Are you forcing your firehouse to watch me?

Taylor asked, the three bubbles appearing quickly Taylor sit staring at her phone waiting for the reply.

Annabelle Kelce
No need to force, we are known as the swiftie firehouse. I mean we always have you playing in the in the background. We are firehouse number 13 it would be a disservice to you if we weren't

Taylor burst into laughter as she read the message that Annabelle had sent her. As she got out of bed giggling as she typed a reply to the brunette.

Aww that's really sweet.
I can't wait for our date on the 10th 😊

Taylor giggled hoping she wasn't being to forward with the message, Taylor's mum having grown accustom to her daughter's giggling since her daughter met the woman.

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