Chapter 3

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It was drawing close to midday and Taylor still hadn't received a message back from the girl and she was spiraling.

"What if i scared her off?"

Taylor said as she paced back and forth in her kitchen as her best friend Selena watched on shaking her head.

"From what you told me, I don't think she is ignoring you, I think she's still asleep."

Selena told her friend as she took a sip out her water,

"So you think she is ignoring me?"

Taylor asked, Selena groaned as her friend only caught part of what she said. Taylor sent a message asking the woman was ignoring her before Selena could get a chance to speak.

"I said I don't think she is ignoring you, tay. Get a grip, she is probably still asleep."

As Selena said that Taylor's phone buzzed with a message from Annabelle.

Annabelle Kelce
No I could never ignore you, I was just asleep Blondie

Taylor giggled at the message, bringing her phone over so Selena could read the messages too.

"See I told you tay, she was asleep."

Selena told her best friend who rolled her eyes at her causing her to laugh.

Annabelle Kelce
Don't think for a second I have forgotten that you promised me answers in the morning

Selena raising her eyebrows at the women's comment, waiting for Taylor to answer.

"I said her brother was out of the running for something but she is still in the running for it."

Taylor told her friend, as she sent a message to the woman, a smile on her face.

What would you like to know?

Taylor asked even though she knew what the girl wanted to know.

"What is she in the running for?"

Selena asked, crossing her arms across her chest, similarly to Taylor's mother last night.

"For a date hopefully."

The statement causing Selena to gasp almost so loud that they missed the notification from the woman.

Annabelle Kelce
You know what I want to know.
I want to know what I'm in the running for

Taylor laughed as she got a second message from the woman.

First answer me this when are you free?

Taylor sent with a sudden burst of confidence, Selena laughed at her friend.

Annabelle Kelce
I think I might be free on the 10th of next month why?

Annabelle answered the blonde, Selena laughed,

Any others dates?

Taylor asked hoping not to have to do a date right after a show,

Annabelle Kelce
I don't know so, I might be on call the day after even sorry. But back to my question why?

Taylor frowned a little, Selena laughed, her friend was falling for a person she hadn't even seen in person.

"Just ask on a date for that date for then, it will be fine."

Selena said as she tried to grab her friend's phone, Taylor turning away from her friend as to not let her friend get her phone.

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