Chapter 22

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After Taylor had let Annabelle listen to some of the new songs they had decided to go to bed. Annabelle had to get used to sleeping on the opposite side to normal so Taylor could snuggle in without hurting her. It was about 3 in the morning when this peaceful slumber was rudely interrupted by Annabelle's phone going off.

"I'm up I'm up."

Annabelle said groggy, Taylor folding her pillow over her ears, as Annabelle sat confused.

"Answer your god damn phone Annie."

Taylor told Annabelle who picked her phone up from the charger not recognising the number answering it anyway.


Annabelle answered the phone,

"Hello is this Anna."

A little girl's voice spoke Annabelle immediately recognised voice as charlotte's.

"Charlotte? Is that you honey?"

Annabelle asked, Taylor sitting up confused as to what was going on.

"Miss Kelce, can you please come pick me up, I'm so scared, my new family is really mean?"

Charlotte asked Annabelle who looked at Taylor before answering, hearing the fear in little charlotte's voice.

"Of course honey, where are you?"

Annabelle asked the little girl, Taylor becoming increasingly confused.

"I'm at some bus stop, I don't know where exactly."

Charlotte said obvious that she was looking around to find some ideas of where she was when she said this but couldn't.

"Okay. Charlotte honey do you reckon you can get to station 13 for me, my friend the one I handed you to that day, she lives in the house next to the station with the purple door, okay can you do that honey?"

Annabelle asked the little girl who sounded like she was crying.

"Yeah I think I can do that. But why aren't you coming to pick me up from here?"

The little girl hiccuped, Annabelle feeling so sad that she couldn't immediately come pick her up.

"Because me and my girlfriend are in Rhode Island but we will be there as soon as possible, okay. Now you be safe, and I will tell my friend you are coming."

Annabelle told the girl, Taylor getting her phone out because she knew that Annabelle was going to ask her to make a call.

"Okay Miss Kelce."

Charlotte said to Annabelle, as the brunette pulled the covers off her getting up.

"We will see soon, bye Charlie."

Annabelle said as she started looking around for her to put on, hanging up on Charlotte.

"Babe, I need you to call your pilot, I know I normally hate flying private because of the pollution but we need to get there fast, please apologise to him for me, I know it's-"

"It's alright Annie. I will call them and they will understand. But you need to call your friend and get dressed, I will help you with that once I have made the call."

Taylor cut Annabelle off, smiling at her nodding as they both needed to call someone, Taylor stepping into the bathroom to make hers.


"Pick up, pick up, pickup."

Annabelle repeated as she rung Avery, biting her fingernails, then she heard her friend's voice.

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