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"Is she okay?" Philip voice asked as i walked into the house with Hannah in my hands.

"Yeah, can't you see she's jumping around?" I looked at him, he could clearly see she isn't okay asking dumb questions.

I walked towards my room with him following behind, Liam had to do something at the ware house clearing Malik fucked something there as well.

"I wanted to know how she's doing damn." He said laughing.

I stop and turn around facing him  my jaw clenched "something funny Philip?"

"Calm down man jeez." I ignored him walking into my room.

I place her softly on the bed, her eyes were closed now, I could tell she's still alive cause she's breathing softly.

I drape the comforter on her, watching her as she sleeps, barely two days since Aldo did something I promise to not let something like this ever happen again and it did happen again.

I rub my thumb against her cheek feeling the soft feeling it gave, the tears stains were very much visible and I hated it.

"Dov'è Andreas?" I asked Philip my eyes still on Hannah (Where is Andreas?)

"He's taking a big ass shit." He chuckles walking into the room, I just watch him as he sits down on the couch in my room.

"What?" He asked as he sees me staring at him.

"Did I fucking tell you to enter my room?"

The smile on his face was completely wiped out,

"Get the fuck out, and bring me Andreas." I tell him sternly, his jaw clenched like if he could do anything. But just nod. And left.

Philip was a stupidly greedy man, if I didn't need him for helping in the injuries of my men I would've get his ass done with.

I look at Hannah peacefully sleeping and I sighed walking towards the bathroom. I took my clothes off and walked into the shower.

I breath softly as the water run down my body, this shower was supposed to wash away my anger but it doesn't, I can't help but think about what Hannah has felt, how scared she was.

The amount of tears running down her pretty eyes.


I punched the bathroom wall repeatedly "fucking hell."

I breath heavily as the water wash the blood now sprouting hurriedly down my fist.

I stayed in the shower for 30 minutes before coming out.

What if she wakes up?

I hurriedly put on a T-shirt and sweat, running out the bathroom into the room. My eyes on the bed, I sighed when I saw her still place exactly on the spot I left her. I run my fingers through my hair.

"You saw a ghost or something?." My eyes immediately snapped towards the owner of the voice.

"Don't fucking pull shit like that ever again" I said sternly to Andreas he almost gave me an heart attack.

"Sorry, you were looking so scared running out the bathroom like that." He said his voice soft.

I walked towards the couch where he was seated and sat beside him.

"I thought she would have woken up while I was in the bathroom, clearly she isn't." I Sigh, spreading out my legs as I sit comfortably.

"I am really sorry." Andreas voice spoke softly beside me.

Liam most have told him what happened, I know Andreas takes Hannah as his sister, he wouldn't intentionally do something to harm her.

"It's okay," I tells him looking at Hannah.

"It's not Fabricio, she's hurt because of me, you are probably angry at me, and I'm really really sorry." His voice was way softer this time like he was going to cry.

"For fuck sake Andreas it's okay." I sighed.

I don't know how to deal with a man if he starts crying, fucking hell i barely know what to do when Hannah starts crying.

"I'm just really sorry." He tells me again and I let out and irritated groan.

"You can apologize to Hannah when she wakes up." I tells him and he nodded feeling less relieved.

I look at Hannah as she sleeps peacefully her face resting calmly, if only she was awake. I sighed.

"She's okay you know, her brain just couldn't take what was happening at that time, and it shut itself. She'll be fine by tomorrow, then her brain would've calmed."

I nodded in relieve at what Andreas told me, he was a doctor a good one at that, that's why I wanted him to check up on Hannah.

" how was the checkup by the way?" I asked looking at him, and he stiffened.

"Good." he tells me looking at Hannah.

"Just good?" I raised my brow.

"Yeah, make sure she's eating regularly she malnourished." He tells me and my brow arch.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked.

He looked down , fiddling with his hands, whenever Andreas is nervous he tends to fidget just like Hannah. They're so much in common.

He didn't respond so I leave it be.

"How's your wound?" I asked my eyes going to his stomach which has plaster wrap around it.

"Fine, hurt as hell though." He lets out dramatically, and my lip cured up, I've gotten shot like a lot of times so I know how it feels.

"Malik sent them, they wasn't sent for me they were for Hannah." My jaw clenched at the last part. Thought as much.

"Malik is chewing more than he can swallow at this rate." I said, looking at Hannah from time to time.

"I got a call from my men that they saw Malik's men drove pass our territory in groups, I just knew that some how they knew Hannah was at the bakery, I went out and I was right, they were outside I couldn't let them go inside." He explained to me and I nod.

"I got shot twice." He tells me more to himself like he couldn't believe it. And I smile. Clearly Andreas haven't gotten shot before.

"Don't worry it will pass away quickly than you expect it." I tells him the smirk still very much in my face.

"Yeah I don't think so." He chuckles staring at his stomach.

We sat there for some minutes until Andreas stands up.

"I'm going to bed, Liam's probably home already," I nod.

"Good night" I nod once again and he walks out the room.

I stand up as well and walked towards bed, and lay softly beside Hannah, inhaling her sweet scent, i soon find myself falling asleep.


Hi guys! I've been having issues with my Wattpad, I wasn't able to update but now I can! hopefully the problem is fixed.

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