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I'm currently eating the tasteless salad, they call appetizer. Alone. Ralph said he doesn't eat rubbish. His words not mine. actually the salad wasn't nice at all, I don't want to be rude and not eat it after all I did ask for it.

"You know you don't have to eat it. If you don't want to." Ralph says looking at me and then at the salad disgustingly.

"No. it's okay, it isn't too bad." I lied, eating more of it to show him I am fine. He nods.

The waitress finally came back with our food, after what felt like forever.

"Alright, Here's your food." She place the pizza box on the table and stare at Ralph, he told her to get us some lemonade and she left to go back in the kitchen.

"Eat." He says.

I'm still surprised he allows me to eat.

"You won't eat?." I ask looking at him, he shakes his head.

I open the pizza box and start stuffing my face with pizza. He's just looking at me.

I hope he's not judging me right now.

"Here's your lemonade." She came with two lemonades on a tray in her hand. And place one on the table carelessly next to me and the other next to Ralph bending down close to him. That her uhmm...boobs was touching his head.

I'm just now noticing her two top buttons are open, those weren't open before.

Weird, why would she do that?

"I'd appreciate if you get your fucking boobs off me. And go far away from here." Ralph says emotionlessly referring to the girl with the boobs on his head.

"Oh. Sorry." She says shyly and innocently like she didn't know her boobs were on his head. but he didn't even turn to acknowledge her or say anything after that to her. He just taking few sips from his lemonade.

I continued eating my food, and at the same time watching the scene in front of me.

She moved her eyes from Ralph to me then to the pizza box disgustingly.

What I wasn't supposed to it the whole thing?

"You ate the whole thing." She scoffed, looking at my body,

She's giving me the disgusting look Juliette mama gives me. I know i shouldn't have eaten any of it, now look what happened...

"Got a fucking problem?" I look up at Ralph, he's staring at the waitress coldly.

"No, uhm..I'm just surprised she ate the whole box." She replied, I just stare at them both, Ralph piercing holes in her head.

"She was supposed to leave some for you? Fuck off." He jaw ticks as he gave her deadly stares.

"I'm sorry mr Riccardo." She stuttered,  and bow at him before leaving the table. And again he didn't acknowledge her.

Now he'll think I'm too fat, and he'll stop me from eating. *I signed*

"Do you want more food.?" He ask looking straight to my eyes. I just look at him surprisingly, he doesn't think I'm fat?

"No. But can I have ice cream ." I asked, remembering he said no earlier,

"Yes. Mi amore." I smile at him. He's so kind.

He gestures for a different waitress this time, she isn't shy when she talks to Ralph. I can tell she's different from the first one.

Hannah healsWhere stories live. Discover now