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"Not too loud,'re going to wake her up." I hear the whispering of people.

then the door being opened and shut closed, indicating someone had left the room.

I got up faster than I have ever gotten up, it struck me where i'm I ? who are these people? Are they going to hurt me? I'm having pains in my head and stomach, I'm so hungry.

"Good morning madam, how are you doing?" I got shaken back into reality by a young lady I think older than me smiled down to me.

"Okay. I'm okay thank you." She smiled at me, no one has ever smiled at me before, my mouth suddenly feeling dry.

"C-an. Can I have water please?"

"Sure madam, I'll get someone to get you some water." Then she left, the more I thought about why I'm here and who brought me here the more anxious I get. and I'm dressed in a black t-shirt. Whose cloth am I wearing?? It smelt nice real nice. What if they belongs to that man?

I don't want to go through that anymore, it hurt.

The door was fling open a different lady walks in she has that look Juliette mama always has on her face, disgust, she was glaring hard at me, what did I do now? Maybe I should try talking to her.

"U-uhm h-hi." I wave my hand at her.

"Keep your greetings to your self you slut." She comes matching to where I was, yanking me by my arms.


" you. you are the Hannah everyone been talking about, you filthy rat." Whose been taking about me? The only people I know is papa and Juliette mama, what's she on about?

"m-my n-name is Han-Hannah , but I don't think I'm the Hannah everyone has been taking about, I'm sorry." I was very close to bursting into tears, I could feel the pricking at the back of my eyes.

"Clearly you're not. I thought she was beautiful, but you're" she looks me up and down " fat and flabby." That the breaking point tears drop down my eyes, they keep on running down.

"c-can y-you p-p-please l-let go of my arm" I asked her through sobs.

"Yeah right, your arm are so uncomfortable to touch, girl you're so fat you look like a pig I wonder what Aldo saw in you, when he was kissing on you and touching your flabby body." I could feel my tears escaping more and more. my hands shook,

She's so mean. The tears flowing down some more

"If I were you, I wouldn't eat for years." Then she smiled brightly at me like if she hadn't said words to hurt my feelings some seconds ago.

"Here's your water." She placed the water on the bed stand and smiled at me once more and left.

I gripped on my hair, my eyes filled with tears, I cried and cried she's just as bad as Juliette mama, but I was used to Juliette mama words, this hurt a lot, I want to go home. I can't breathe, I dig my nails into my hand blood coming out I want to feel better.

I rushed to the bathroom searching up and down in the bathroom looking for any sort of sharp object I could use to cut i can't find anything I fling everything to the floor, It made noise I don't care I want to feel normal everywhere is in mess and I still can't find anything.

I grip on my hair and scream, then I sight a small cupboard hidden away in the cabinet, I rushed to it and opened it I saw razor in it and i quickly snatched them from the cupboard and sat on the messy floor.

I raised my sleeve up and i sight the ones I've done before sitting disgusting on me, I moved the razor close to my arm as my hand shook then I cut a straight line, and another one I silently screamed blood oozing out from it, I cried I think this will do for now.

I stood up and pulled my short down and I'm immediately welcomed with more disgusting cut on my flabby thighs, I sat down on the floor again but this time I pulled off the long sleeve shirt on me and gagged them in my mouth, the flesh on my thighs are way softer and I feel more pain when I cut on them.

I moved my hands down to my inner thigh
And I cut I screamed but it was muffled by the t-shirt, I squeeze my eyes shut as if to stop some of the pain, but it didn't.

I moved my hands down to my other thigh
"madam do you need help?" That First Lady said from outside the door, she'll think I'm disgusting, my eyes widened and I stood up too fast forgetting i just imprinted on my skin and immediately feel the pain, I winced and sat back down

"I'm fine thank you, I'll be out in a sec."

"Okay madam be careful in there." I muttered I will and I heard the door being shut, she left. and I stood up fast I wore back my short and the sleeve shirt and started cleaning the mess I had made.

After cleaning i stood in front of the bathroom mirror to check if I look presentable, all I could see in my reflection was disgust my hair long reaching my middle back I had black hair it shines bringing out my boring blue eyes my face was round I have freckles, my lips where pouty, i have a very big bum which was too big I don't like it.

I have thick thighs which I also don't like, they makes me look fat, I hardly see short or trousers for my bum and thighs to fit in. And my boobs are way too big. Which I also don't like.

Juliette mama brings faded clothes to the house once a month, for me to choose from, most of all the short and trousers don't fit pass my bum, then she will take them away saying that it's not her fault that I'm just too fat, and I think she knows that they won't fit that's why she brought them.

Why did that man touch me like that no one as ever done that before and it was so uncomfortable, I have to ask someone i should ask that kind lady.

I wiped my eyes dried and clean, and open the door of the bathroom and I saw that young lady again standing formally on the center of the room how long has she been there?? She smiled at me I returned the gesture.

"Madam, capo wants you to join him in breakfast." She smiled kindly at me

my smile dropped.

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