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Should I tell him?
No one has ever believed me when I told them people says things, mean things to me.

He won't believe me either.

When Juliette mama's friends comes to the house, they say mean things to me, papa never believed when I told him.

"Stop trying to gain attention hannah." He said pointing his pinkie finger at me, anger radiating off him.

"No. Papa I'm not trying to gain any type of attention p-please b-believe me." I pleaded to be heard out.

"Believe you??." He scoffed

"Leave her Malik, she's always whoring around like her mother." And without waiting for any kind of explanation from me, papa drag me to my bedroom and locked the door.

I pleaded with all my heart

I cried for my papa...I cried for the man who gave birth to me he didn't open the door.

I was there for three days no food, no water.

And then I decided to just stay to my self, no one's going to believe my side of the story anyways.

So why tell them?

"Tesoro please tell me." Ralph pleaded.

"I can't." I shook my head vehemently. And just stare at my flabby fingers.

"Why can't you tell me Tesoro?" He asked. I looked down.

Should I tell him?

"You won't believe a word I say." My lip wobbled and I could feel my tears fighting to set free.

He stood up from his chair and walk towards me, he crouched down in font of me and held my hands "I will Tesoro. I promise."

I look at him in disbelief.

I'm sure he's trying to trick me.
The minute my lips are open to speak he will lock me in a room, for God knows how long.

"Promise." He said, and inched his pinkie finger towards me, I brought forth my little pinkie and wrapped around his, he looked at our joined pinkies so intensely, I felt the butterflies in my belly twirling around.

His hands are huge, how did he get it this big?

I love his eyes, they're are light brown and so pretty, I wish mine was this pretty.

"Alright, i believe you." I smiled at him a little, feeling less fearful now that he had given me his word.

I love his touch, and didn't want to stop touching him, I'm sure he didn't want me to touch him with my flabby hands.

I reluctantly retracted my hand.

"She said mean things to me in the bedroom." I said looking down at my hands, he was silent for a while before he asks softly, "mean things, like?."

"Can I not say them?" I asked pleading, hoping he understands that I don't want to talk about it.

He hesitates, "it's okay Tesoro, I won't force you to say it my love."

"What's slut." I asked, remembering what she had called me, and look down at him since he was still crouching in front of me,

his eyes widened "she called you that.?" His jaw tightened.

"Yes." I confirmed

"I'll take care of it mi amore." He kisses me so gently on my forehead and I squeal.

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