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I walk behind miss elayne, miss elayne is the name of that kind lady, she told me her name some seconds ago, I thought she was around the same age as me or slightly older, she isn't. she's 25, omg she's so pretty and young.

She asked me to call her, her nickname "elyne" there's no difference just that the nickname has no "A" i giggled, she's funny.

She kept on asking if I was okay, she's so kind, we went in some door that opens when you touch some buttons beside it.

where does this door lead to ? is this thing safe to go in?

I stood out side and just stare at miss elyne, I think she gets the message.

"Madam it's an elevator, it safe I can promise you." she smiled her eyes disappearing in the process, how can someone be this happy?

"Oh. Oh okay I believe you." I step in and smiled back to her, the minute I'm beside her I close my eyes, not knowing what to expect.

is this kind of an hidden room or ??

She press the button on the inside of the thing, and the thing started moving us up, I move closer to her, Is this some sort of a magic trick? aren't we suppose to go to the dinner table? This doesn't look like a dinner table to me, Not that I've seen any, but I'm sure this isn't one.

*ding* then the door open, wow I've never seen anything this fancy and pretty in my whole life, the interior was all black through out, and black was my favorite color. It's an hall, a very big hall.

I've only seen hall once before, when papa and Juliette mama got married. And this is more prettier than what I've seen, it's the prettiest.

"Miss Elyne this is so pretty." I blurt out what I was thinking, immediately regretting what I'd said, I moved my gaze from the room to the floor, she's going to scold me now.

"Yes, it's really pretty madam." I look up at her and she was all smiling, she has that look in her eyes when she smiles at me, and I think I like her.

I smiled at her and move my gaze back to the dinner hall and immediately regretting it, there were men. A lot of men staring at me. I move closer to elyne, I stood behind her.

Someone yelled something at them in a foreign language, and they stopped, they busied them self with other things rather than staring at me.

I'm so scared

I move my gaze to the floor once more I could hear people moving around me, and I dare not remove my eyes from the floor.

"Come here mi amore." I look up to see the big dining table filled now with different kinds of food. (My love)

I've never seen this much food my whole life, this house is full of surprises, first the thing with buttons now this.

This food would last me a year, and some women wearing matching clothing with cute hats on their head are still coming with more foods.

These people eat a lot.

"Baby girl come here, please." I move my eyes from the food sitting deliciously on the table, he was sitting at the chair on the edge, how come I didn't see him?

I moved my eyes from him and just stare at the floor some more, and now I'm freaking out I can't find miss elyne cute shoes with ribbons anymore, I immediately looked around in other to sight her, I can't see her anywhere.

I could see tears escaping my eyes, I can't breathe, where's she? I could feel my hands digging itself to my wrists. I dropped to the floor and tightly pull on my hair.

Where is she?

"Hey, mi amore. Look at me, whats wrong my precious?" I feel a hand on my shoulder, I flinch back, expecting a hit from him.

I look up at him he was crouching down next to me, he looked hurt.

"W-where is s-she?" I ask him my voice foggy from the tears dripping down my eyes, she can't leave, I put more pressure on the grip on my hair. tears streaming down my eyes.

"Amore, please you're hurting yourself," I see panick in his eyes he sat down even more closer to me than he was before.

"baby girl breathe for me yeah?" He says, his soft voice echoing in my head, I take in deep breaths.

"Now tell me, who is it you're looking for amore?" He asked slightly relaxed, but I could see his shoulders tensed.

"M-miss el-lyne" I look down, trying to hide my tears of humiliation.

Why do I get dependent on someone?

"I'll get her for you." He says I could feel his eyes burning holes in my head.

"Liam get me elayne" he says to the man who was now close to us, liam left, I could see those men from before staring at us.

now everyone thinks I'm a cry baby.

"Come with me. while we wait for her, I'm guessing you're hungry." He says.

He clutches my hand, and gently pulls me closer to the dinner table.

"Sit. Please." He says to me, this the second time someone has said please to me, and it feels weird.

I'm still standing, not knowing what to do, do I sit with him? nothing fells normal,

at least when elyne was here things here felt slightly bit normal. Capo kept on staring at me, and I stare at the floor.

"Madam?" I look up so fast, my neck probably sprained.i recognize that voice, I immediately walk towards her, and hugged her so tight.

"What's wrong Hannah." Since I've been here this the first Time she'd said my name, I cried on her.

"You left" I looked up at her, and I saw sadness in her eyes,

"I'm sorry love, I was making you some cookies downstairs." She says, pointing at the freshly baked cookies on the table.

"It's ok-ay." I smiled sadly at her.

"Can we leave now?" I asked her.

"No love, you still need to get some food in your system." She says softly.

"Pretty please. Can we please leave?" I try my best to hold back my tears.

"No you can't. Sit down for some breakfast." Capo says, his powerful voice ringing through the hall.

I cower back, tears streaming down my face

Hannah healsWhere stories live. Discover now