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I sat in my office working on the fucking papers I was supposed to do, while liam just irritated the fuck out of me.

I want to be with Hannah, I need to, but I can't.


"Yes, Liam?" I grunt out, my focus still on the papers.

"You remember telling me to keep an eye on Malik?" He asked.

"I did, find anything?" I asked writing down names of the fuckers owing me.

"Yeah, He's searching everywhere for Hannah." He informs.

"So?" I asked.

He continues "So...I've got some men in his household, Malik is fucking screwing things for us, and there's like a chance he will do more." I see him shift on his chair from the corner of my eyes to seat comfortably as he continues.

"My men brought me the information that he's planning against you, against us which is stupid but still, he knows you've his daughter,he's gathering mafias to put in on his plan to get her back. But no one is stupid enough to go against us."

I drop my pen and look up at him, he was already looking directly at me sitting on one of the chairs in front.

"Do I look like I give a fuck, Marcelo?" I asked returning back to the fucking papers.

"No you don't, but what are you trying to do Ralph?, you're wasting so much time in killing him, he's a big problem to us, why wait so long? Bend the iron while it's still hot, we should eliminate such problem. Just say the word and it's done." He says.

I glanced up at him, releasing my breath " firstly time is something I don't have, for me to take so much time in killing him that means there's something to it. Secondly I bend the iron whenever I want."

"Like you said no one is stupid enough to go against us, let him be for now. There's no way he can get a hold on Hannah." I said placing one of the finished papers in the drawer.

"You still don't get what I'm saying do you? Hannah is his only hope in the underworld and he knows it. And that's why he's trying to get her back by any means Fabricio, can't you see he's trying to use her to get to us, he's trying to fuck with your head." Liam said, My jaw clenched at the thought of anybody taking Hannah from me.

I will fucking send them to the devil itself.

I now understand what Liam is saying , Malik trying to use Hannah to get through me. And it will definitely work.

And that's why Liam is my advisor.

"Fuck. This man is stupid as fuck." I groan, running my fingers through my hair.

"You've given him a chance and now he thinks he can just fuck with you." Liam let out a laugh and I smirk.

Malik doesn't know what's coming for him.

"I don't want Hannah to leave the house without my permission. and station more men for protection whenever we aren't home." I ordered sternly to Liam. And he nods.

Hannah healsWhere stories live. Discover now