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Before I went to Hannah I went to my office, sitting down on my paper work, I just stare at my office black wall.

" fuck." I groan and stand up, and I fling the fucking things on my office table to the floor.

" fuck fuck fuck." I yell out punching the table over and over again, it start bleeding I continue to punched the worthless table,

this can't count for the amount of pain she had felt. I am so pissed.

I stood to the side and kept quiet. And just stare at the black wall some more.

I wonder how long this has been going on. Hannah's father. Malik and his slut of a wife Juliette just messed with the wrong man.

I reached in my pants pocket for my phone, I read my messages. Which was a lot, I open the top message clearly from Juliette and Malik, telling me how my darling wife was safe, that she was on a vacation. Which she would need a lot of money, that I should send more money,

Is that what they've been doing all this time? Lying to my fucking face about her warfare and upkeep.?

Exploiting money from me every month for her needs and wants? Clearly you could see she wasn't cared for, I've never trusted anyone but fuck I decided putting a little bit of trust on them for Hannah's ware fare for a long time, thinking it was for the best when it clearly wasn't. Look what happened.

That narcissist bastard.

Ever since Hannah was betrothed to me by our grandfathers, she was clearly young at that time. at the age of ten she was already mine.

When I was little I was too cold for my age , a lot of children my age avoided me, I was rude, I tend to fight a lot, which parents would want her child to be associated with such a person? If any parent lets his or her child associate with me then they're probably fucked up in the brains. I wanted to be friends with nobody, Cause I was bad news real bad news. And I like it.

My grandfather thought I was in a dark room and I needed some sort of light in order to survive, if I continued like this I won't find someone to settle down with in the future. So he made some fucking arrangements with Hannah's grandfather.

they were best of friends since high school days, grandpa came back home happily one day saying he had fixed my marriage arrangements. Fuck hell I was so pissed, why wouldn't I be pissed? I was fourteen years old, I was fucking fourteen. And why would Hannah grandfather allow his grandchild to be married to a monster like me in the future?

He sees me as a good boy. fuck shit I'm not

I avoided grandpa for days, he didn't try to even talk to me and apologize that made me more pissed than I was, he was doing as if it for my best interest, I fucking hated her, even though I haven't seen her I hated her existence.

grandpa made some stupid arrangement again with Hannah's grandfather for us to meet, and get to know each other, I'd already planned on what to say to her, I planned on telling her I hated her alot, I hated everything about this girl.

We went to Hannah's home, for the play date, or what the fuck it was called, I was so pissed I wanted to vent my anger on her for spoiling my future, she wasn't at fault but I wanted to just blame on someone.

Hannah's grandfather welcomed me happily, with a wide smile on his face, fuck I didn't know how to return this kind of energy, I just hope she isn't all sunshine and shit. Cause I would literally loose it.

But fuck me when my eyes landed on her, I forget all about what I planned to say to her, I just want to take her home and hide her from the world, she was so innocent so naive i wanted to keep her all to myself.

Hannah healsWhere stories live. Discover now