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The sound of birds chirping woke me up the next morning. I open my eyes slowly, I rubbed my eyes with my fists as the bright light hit my face.

This is the best sleep I've ever had, normally I'm woken up by Juliet mama pounding at my door, everything has been going smoothly since I've been here.

I looked around the room, my eyes landing on the victors secret bag, he must have brought it in here when I was fast asleep, making me remembered yesterday's activities with Ralph, after reaching home he asked me if I wanted more food, which I declined. After eating the burgers and fries? He still want to feed me more...I don't want to get more pig fat than I already am. He wouldn't like me fat and piggy.

I started making the bed quickly, as if I were in a competition. After fixing my blanket, I moved over to fluff my pillows which was where my SpongeBob baby was he's looking so pretty and elegant resting there. I haven't thought of a name yet; im getting there.? It's hard.

I walked toward the bathroom barefoot . I was so tired yesterday to even take my bath when we came back. I'm not lazy...just tired okay? I love showers but this one's going to be quick.

The bathroom is looking neat and classy as always, I take my shower, do my stuff and wrap a towel around my body and hair and I'm out the bathroom. Told you I'll be quick.

I blow dry my hair and decide to wrap it in a bun toady, after wrapping my hair in a bun I went toward the bed stand where the Victoria secret bag where, I bring out the panties and pick one which was black to wear, i looked at it weirdly but put it on anyway without looking at my body , it feels weird down there for some seconds, now it's good. The panties doesn't have cloth like the normal panties I wear, it's just string. The front has a little cloth that covers the front...while the back's just string that stays in between the butt. And also it rest  up at the hips I don't like wearing bras so I leave that one out

I went in the walk in closet on the bedroom, and immediately  my cloths where in front of my eyes, they where arranged in the closet looking pretty I'm sure miss elayne arranged them. I want to wear short today, thank god my cut were on my inner thighs. I couldn't wear short in papa's house, I hope Ralph wouldn't mind me wearing one since he clearly bought them for me so I can wear them right?  After some contemplating I put on short and a long sleeve sweatshirt to cover the cut on my wrists.

I almost forgot about the Victoria secret bag, I went back in the bedroom to carry the bag and came back in to arrange them arranges them in the drawer , and the lipgloss and the eyeliner on the mirror table, I apply some lipgloss on my chapped lips, I left the bedroom not before wearing my Gary the snail fluffy slippers.

I could hear voices down stairs, I walked softly down the stairs not to drawn any attention. I'm contemplating on going back up stairs, I was about to go down stairs when a voice stop my track.

"Who's this pretty likkle thing...Hannah?"he ask, from his voice I can tell he's friendly and funny too. I turned back around and see a face that looks familiar standing next to Ralph.

"Hi." I muttered out lowly. And then he smiled, now that smile looks familiar too familiar.

"So she's the Hannah." He nudged Ralph with his elbow, and Ralph returning his gesture with a glare.

Ralph's dressed in casual wear today, he's wearing a black singlet and a black sweatpants. His silver chain  and bracelets are still on him. I'm sure he doesn't take them off. While the friendly person next to him wore cropped top shirt and a high waisted jean.

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