H.P. Stupid Diggory

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f/l/m = favorite lip makeup (lipstick, lipgloss, etc)

warnings: death eaters, insecurities, jealousy, grumpy ron, not gender neutral

Being part of the golden quartet was nothing short of interesting and life threatening.

Y/n had become amazing friends with Harry, Hermione, and Ron all thanks to a lost toad.

She couldn't ask for more.

Hermione was brilliant and sweet and got along swimmingly with Y/n. She was like the sister they never had. She helped her style her hair, talk to her about boys mainly Ron, pick out clothes, and become more confident in herself.

Ron was hilarious, sometimes unintentionally. He was always grumbling about something. He was always hungry and even though he could be a blockheaded guy, he could also be really sweet when it was needed.

Harry was well, he was different from the rest of them.

He was kind and resilient and completely beautiful. He always looked after them, making sure they were okay when no one else did. He cared about them and protected them, but also stepped back because he knew they could protect themselves. He was the chosen one sure, but he was so much more than that. He was also one of the most genuine and sweet boys she had ever met. He could always make her laugh with his awkward demeanor and sassy responses.

Y/n had been harboring romantic feelings for him since Christmas of their first year and it had been driving her crazy. He had no idea the effect he had on her.

Ron and Harry were both oblivious as a brick to this, but Hermione realized immediately when she had come back from break.

"What are you thinking about?" Hermione asked teasingly already knowing exactly what she had been thinking about.

Y/n groaned into the pillow her face was stuffed into like she was in agony. Hermione laughed and sat down next to them, parting their back gently.

They were in Ginny's room at the burrow because they had all planned to meet up before the start of the next school year.

What hadn't been planned was the awkward reunion between Y/n and Harry.

Everyone greeted and hugged each other, but when Y/n saw Harry again for the first time in months they both froze. Y/n spent a few seconds too many to be friendly admiring how he had changed. He had grown a little taller, his hair longer and shaggier, and his features more mature and defined. He had his signature smile plastered on his face, bright yet a little awkward.

Y/n snapped out of it quickly and rushed forward to hug him, but it wasn't quick enough to escape the notice of Hermione, George, or Fred who smirked.

Once they separated and Hermione and Ginny dragged her to their room upstairs, the twins had pounced on Harry who had also been staring at Y/n.

"So ickle Harry has a crush eh?" George teased.

"N-no. I don't know what you're talking about." Harry felt his face turn bright red as he stammered.

"Oh, you most certainly do." The twins spoke in sync.

Harry still wasn't sure how they did that.

"We suppose we'll leave you alone now..." Fred sighed.

"But you know where to come for advice!" George winked at the younger boy before they stalked back to their room.

Harry gulped awkwardly as he shuffled on his feet. Had he been that obvious?

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