F.W. Unexpected Feelings (fluff)

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y/n = your name, l/n = last name

warnings: brief sexism, cussing, sexual innuendo

Harry decided to take the Weasleys out to one of his favorite places to thank them for always letting him stay with them.

It was summer and Harry wanted to go somewhere warmer where it actually felt like summer.

That's why he decided to take them to the only beach he had ever been to. There was a restaurant there set up in the floo system and he knew this because he had used the floo powder to get there before. It was the closest thing he had to a good childhood memory.

He went there one time in elementary for a school day trip to pick up trash and litter off the beach.

That's where he had made his first friend.

Y/n L/n.

They were certainly something and Harry had never met someone smarter than them, not even Hermione. They didn't make others feel dumb though and they spent most of their time joking around and helping others.

Harry got a bunch of letters that year from Y/n with pages full of advice on what he should do in the tournament and how he should act with Ron. They were in many senses the closest they had to a sibling or some sort of family.

Harry had just taken them to an ice cream shop and Ron walked out with a double scoop of chocolate ice cream and a euphoric look on his face.

The twins were already outside with their ice cream trying to scout out cute local people.

Fred had gotten cookie dough ice cream and George had gotten mint chocolate chip.

"Fred look at that one" George called while pointing subtly towards someone who had just rode their bike to the shop across the street.

"Dibs!" Fred yelled between them.

"Hey no fair!" George whined.

"I never thought I'd be this jealous of a bike" Fred laughed staring at the person's legs as they dismounted the bike.

"Wow check out their outfit" George responded.

They were wearing a small pink top that tied around their neck and back. It had red hearts covering the pink fabric and a metal heart connecting the two sides of fabric. The skin of their neck, chest, arms, and stomach were all very much on display. They were wearing a short white tennis skirt with the top that hung just above their hips and ended just below their upper thighs. The skirt was tight around the waist, but flared out at the bottom. The colors of the outfit made their skin pop out even more. (this top https://pin.it/5yc056v)

"Check out their legs" Fred replied gobsmacked.

"What are you two on about?" Ginny asked.

"That hot person over there" George and Fred said at the same time.

At this Ron and Ginny looked up to see the person across the street still standing there and picking up something they had dropped.

"Woah" Ginny muttered under their breath.

"Bloody hell" Ron said not so quietly.

This grabbed Harry's attention who had just gotten a cup of ice cream himself.

"What is it?" Harry asked dumbfounded.

Ron just pointed to the person they had been talking about making Ginny slap his hand down.

"Don't point at people, it's rude." Ginny lectured as Ron whined at being hit.

Harry was staring at the person without saying anything for an awful while. He was squinting his eyes and looking at them very intensely almost trying to decipher something. He started walking closer towards them to get a better look and then started running towards them.

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