P.W. An Unlikely Pair (angst and fluff)

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y/n = your name, f/c = favorite color

warnings: Percy being an ass, slightly inaccurate timeline, and family fighting.

Percy had first officially met Y/n when the twins had pulled yet another prank on him.

George and Fred were going into their 5th year and Percy was entering his 7th.

He had been standing in the platform before the train polishing his head boy pin like usual when suddenly he heard his twins exasperated cries.

"Y/nnnnnn!" George whined.

"How could you betray us?" Fred cried as he fell onto his knees dramatically.

He looked up to see an umbrella covering his head and he turned to his side to see who was holding it.

It was the same person whose books he had  helped collect after they were knocked over by some school jerk the year prior.

He did not remember this, but Y/n did and had made it their mission to get to know him and break down his walls ever since.

They had a bright smile plastered on their face and Percy almost had to squint because of the light that seemed to emit from their cheery facial expression.

He watched with wonder as they giggled at his brothers' antics and then put the umbrella down while turning to Percy.

"Lucky for you it was raining back at home!" They said before closing the umbrella.

Their f/c umbrella was covered in the green paint that would've drenched Percy and his clothes had they not stepped in.

"It's my favorite color" They explained with a shy sort of smile.

He couldn't help the way his cheeks colored pink from their attention, after all they were very pretty.

He almost smiled back at them, but then remembered they were friends with George and Fred. That meant it must've been some sort of trick. Why would anyone be nice to him unless it was to eventually prank him?

Percy internally scowled at how the twins had weaponized someone so sweet just so they could use him for a laugh.

Percy turned away from the person and stepped onto the train after saying goodbye to his parents without a word to them.

"It was nice to meet you!" Y/n yelled after him hopefully.

He didn't even stop walking or turn around.

"Oooooh Y/n got rejected" Fred cooed.

"Sod off, I'll befriend your grumpy brother one day." Y/n said confidently.

"You got the grumpy part right" George rolled his eyes before also boarding the train with the other two pranksters.
It was officially Winter Break and Y/n had tried -to no avail- to win over Percy Weasley.

Their most recent plan to earn his trust was surprising him with a Christmas gift. They had spent weeks mulling over what to get him. This gift had to be absolutely perfect to make their plan successful. Eventually, it hit them. They had found the perfect gift.

Percy walked down the boy's stairs to the Gryffindor common room on Christmas morning surprised to find his younger brothers and their friend up so early.

"Happy Christmas, Percy!" Y/n greeted him cheerily.

Percy just rolled his eyes.

He couldn't believe the Twins hadn't given up yet on this ridiculous plot to trick him. I mean really, how much of an idiot did they think he was.

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